
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 10:14:05
Maximum number of invalid login attempts exceeded “you have reached the maximum number of layers"是什么意思?求中文翻译 You have reached the maximum number of free trial calls以下文章是啥意思呀急Now it's time to upgrade your FreeCall account and make UNLIMITED calls to our free* destinations. All you have to do is buy € 10,00 worth of credit in order to re the maximum number of tentatives has been reached是什么意思 The number of worker是()2,000.A has reached B have reached C is reached D has reached to c++ find the column number(index) that have maximum sum of it's elementsYou task is to find the column number(index) that have maximum sum of it's elements.InputFirst line N and M (1 Which of the following is TRUE 请问:Which of the following is NOT true?怎么翻译? Which of the following is true according to the passage?要翻译 1.Which number of the following is the largest? 请问following是形容词后面是不是少了个名词比如这句:which of the following sentences is right?2.her mother keeps on (run) every day .3.if there isn't any light, there is no plant lif the number of distinct positive factors of n 是什么意思 All the following except ----have the same meaning.A a variety ofB many kinds ofC a number ofD all kinds 15.All of following are school rules except________A.No smoking B Don’t fight C.Slower than 80 km/h D.Save water each of the following numbers as a product of prime factors是什麼意思?上面打漏字了Express each of the following numbers as a product of prime factors Express the following numbers as products of their prime 7x=(-7)的5次方 x=多少啊 x四次方-7x²y²+81y四次方因式分解 是三分之一x,负5分之3x的平方,7分之5x的三次方,九分之7x的四次方,…,负21分之19x的次方……(1)写出第100个单项式;(2)写出第n个单项式. [(2x的n次方y的n+1次方)的四次方+7x的2n次方y的5n+2次方]÷[(-xy²)²]的n次方 计算 分解因式:x的4次方+7x²+1 x四次方-7x²10 分解因式 2x的平方-7x+2的最小值 11+12+13+14+15+16+17=()*()=() 11×11,12×11,13×11,14×11,15×11,16×11,17×11的规律 已知54的a次方为3,用a表示log以108为底的81的对数 已知a+b=2,ab乘以(a+b)=-16,求a的2次方+b的2次方的值 已知a+b=3,ab=1,求二分之一乘以(a-b)的2次方的值 (-0.125)的5次方乘-2的16次方 (16*10的十七次方)/(0.2*10的七次方)如题.请简便计算. 现有1个17°的模板与铅笔,能否画出1°的角?若能,若不能,说明理由. 现有一个21°的“模板”与铅笔,你能否画出1°的角来. 现在一个17°的“模板”与铅笔,你能否画出3°的角来?现有一个21°的“模板”与铅笔,你能否画出3°的角来?---------------------------------------------------以上两题,如果能,请你简述画法步骤;如果不