
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/19 20:20:36
我喜欢游泳,用英语说应该是 I like swim 为什么别人都说 I like swimming? I like go swimming还是I like swimming哪个正确 like的现在进行时 I like swimming中swimming为什么要用现在分词 “赞美”用英语怎么说? 英语翻译怎么翻译“历年学分平均绩点”“年级学分平均绩点”“构图与构成原理”“电脑图文设计”? 英语翻译谁知道这两门课应该怎么翻译!1.安全自救互救知识(艺术及其他)2.中国古代名著导读(人文社科)一定要准确无误啊!因为这关系到我留学的成功与否~ 请问swim和swimming的区别, wait的现在进行时要不要双写t我记得好像不要的,想再确认一下, 一直鼓励着我们用英语怎么说 英语翻译广告案例分析 果树概论 会计教学实习 企业管理学 证券投资商务谈判 计算机应用实验 毛邓论文 农药市场与营销 食用药用昆虫学园艺学概论 概率论与数理统计 动画影片鉴赏与批评 英语翻译Banks must put aside a portion of their deposits in the form of reserves that are held without interest at the central bank. 帮忙翻译一下英文,经济方面的Sinking fund – nbuilding a sum for retirement nthe periodic retirement of a number of bondsselected randomly.Call provision - borrower right to retire bond beforematurity. 英语翻译Sinking fund – building a sum for retirement the periodic retirement of a number of bondsselected randomly.Call provision - borrower right to retire bond beforematurity.Sinking fund – building a sum for retirement the periodic retirem 英语翻译A basic idea is to certify a country with strongfundamentals to be a status of qualified to creditline without conditionality or negotiation should the need for liquidityemerges.A basic idea is to certify a country with strong fundamental 13和51的公倍数有哪些 英语翻译6.The only difference is that instead of using two separate regressions where we are interested in the time dummies,we now run one regression and use a stock dummy which takes a value of “1” if the merger is stock based and takes a va she is going to hold the meeting如何改现在进行时的被动语态是the meeting is going to be being held by her还是直接the meeting is being held by her表将来? 2011年英语专四具体成绩出来时间和成绩标准想要知道其中具体的评分标准,还有及格分,及口试分数 she's going to climb mountains【改为现在进行时】 2011年英语专四成绩什么时候能公布 She is good at ____.A.go swim B.going swim C.going swimming.应选哪个?为什么? 2011英语专四成绩出来了,多少才算过啊,我55啊 2011英语专四什么时候有官方的标准答案我要的是那种不是别人做的答案,是官方的权威的标准答案哦!现在都不知道自己到底过不过得了.什么时候才有啊? 4和13的公倍数 变现在进行时!study and lie 现在进行时怎样变否定 英语怎么变现在进行时 现在进行时怎么变一般现在时 fiy 的现在进行时咋变 2011年6月的英语6级成绩什么时候出来 2011年6月英语六级什么时候出成绩啊?可不可以说的具体点啊,8月份的什么时候?可否具体些