
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 01:12:45
英语翻译we ____ _____ _____ the change in his appearance他的样子变得使我们大为惊讶(用amazing)使我们大为惊奇的是(amazing)he looked at me ____ _____(amazing)i don't know ___ which team he _____(belong)我不知道他 you are the man who used feeling with single mind 老子活了几岁? 乐的事作文 When you hear the phrase cultural heritage, what comes to mind?请问可以帮我翻译一下这篇文章吗?急急When you hear the phrase cultural heritage, what comes to mind? Maybe you remember going to see ethnic folk dances with people wearing 有哪些动词不能用于现在进行时?有什么规律? 阅读冰心的《绿之歌》,完成文后问题 为什么作者说 那时,我的大半大半个世界蓝色的 冰心绿之歌中“临去秋波”比喻什么? 文言文 桃李不言,下字成蹊 原文与翻译 句子he looks well look 在这里不是感官动词吗 怎么能接well 呢 7).Only when____ possible to settle the problemA.does the headmaster come will it be B.the headmaster comes will it be C.has the headmaster come it will be D.the headmaster comes it will be) 这不是个倒装句吗 答案选第二个我很迷茫 Only when ____________ possible to settle the problema、does the chief editor come will it be b、the chief editor comes will it be c、has the chief editor come it will be d、the chief editor comes it will be 英语:系动词分为几大类?我知道的有be动词和感官动词. [翻译]they were punished by speaking a great number of different tongues原文翻译:人们遭受惩罚,开始说各种不同的语言 几是多音字吗几的多音字是什么?要组词? 几的多音字 中国的老子活多大年龄? 和的多音字有几种? 求类似《老子是你媳妇儿》的耽美文!要he~只说书名就可以了不要np! 多音字“着”的读音及组词 多音字几多音字几多音字几多音字几多音字多音字几多音字几多音字几几多音字几多音字几多音多音字几多音字几多音字几多音字几多音字多音字几多音字几多音字几几多音字几多音字几多 feel是不是感官动词吗?为什么在现在进行时时会变成feeling?不是说感官动词在现在进行时不加ing? 典型的倒装句有哪些? 黔之驴 中倒装句有哪些 英语翻译有奉馈者,皆问其所由.若力作所致,虽微必喜,慰赐参倍;若非理得之,则切厉呵辱,还其所馈 为什么有多音字要明确 供有什么多音字 多音字组词:“撮” (N )at all.I'll be very ( ) to get your letter.括号中填什么? I'm happy to get your letter 写出此句话的同义句(英语) 邮政快递查询单号查询 语文:倒装句是什么?