
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 10:09:01
究竟计划生育有什么好处?最近看新闻说计生导致人口结构变化,老年化社会,养老问题严峻,是否真实?如果是为什么还要坚持呢?1L:1980年生育率要保持在4.75,现在人口才能达到20亿,但是生育率 1._____some reasons,I like Chinese so much.A.For B.Becanse C.Of D.If would you like some MAOTAI?It's a famous brand of chinese spirits I am one student of ocean university of china,i would like to know some foreigners to practice my e 仿句O是一面镜子 让虚荣者认清自己 关于"我思故我在"这句话.这句话是笛卡儿说的吗?如果不是那是谁?现在有不少跟这句话很像的,比如"我混故我在"等,它们是从"我思故我在"派生出来的吗? TVD中大萌说的“i will always choose you”求短信音啊啊啊! 求吸血鬼日记中damon 那句i will always choose you 铃声 feileiya@163.com 根据首字母和英文释义写出单词:2.c the son or daughter of someone's uncle's一定要对,如果错了,我一定拜拜了,你们总不会让一个13岁的小子伤心的吧.但是我没有积分,你们可以理解我吧! My uncle has two c___ ,a daughter and a son My uncle has two c---------- ,a daughter and a son.横线上填什么? my uncle's son and daughter is my cousin为什么用ismy uncle's son and daughter is my cousin为什么用is不用are My mother is ill in bed.I have to look after her.(作出反映) -I can't go to your party .My mother is ill and i have to look after her.-__________.填什么?为什A.i'm sorry to hear that B.don't worryC.never mind.D.OK My father is ill in bed.I have to look after____at home.( )A.he B.his C.him D.himself t( ) ( )very much,jackt( ) ( )very much,jack.that's very kind of you. He usually [watch]TV.Daming wants something [drink].用适当形式填 he often watch TV怎么改错(对的、快的,给100分) He is going to watch TV 中的watch 在句中充当什么成分 she then took the chicken bones home and made soup out of them 这里的out of 怎么理解我思故我在我想知道点儿深刻的理解 --why are you in a hurry?--______ my mother is ill,I have to take her to hospital.--why are you in a hurry?--______ my mother is ill,I have to take her to hospital.A.ForB.sinceC.AsD.Because 我思故我在的理解 我思故我在 求理解我思故我在,思维决定你的一切~心驰所往,驰骋任何地方!在生活中也是这样,小目标,高效,最短时间!决定的是你成功的方向。你们认为呢? i believe i will Always arоund you 儿童天真无邪,无忧无虑的性格的俗语. 商业翻译的工作大概是怎样的 More and more love.. 想做一名成功的商业翻译人员该如何做 是不是什么事情都是命中注定了?算命的说的能相信吗? 人们都说一切都命中注定的, 一切都是命中注定吗?