
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/14 10:32:52
would you mind translating this for me对人类思维的研究是人类文明发展中的永恒课题,对该类问题的研究涵盖诸多领域,如哲学,心理学,脑科学,逻辑学等. 翻译:于是以记之,盖叹郦元之简,而笑李渤之陋也. now,l have the most colorfulscarf in the world! most of the large cities in the world have grown without plans,Most of the large cities in the world have grown without plans,among that London is such a city.Its streets wind its way and there is no reason for the street numbering system.Indeed,no o Now I think I have the most complex emotional person in the world. 3,|x+¼| ﹙x-½﹚﹙½+x﹚﹣﹙x﹣1﹚﹙x+¼﹚ 英语翻译 身似浮云,心如飞絮,气若游丝,下一句 答对一题加10分,答错一题扣8分.(1)1号选手共抢答12题,最后得分是48分.1号选手答对了几题?(2)2号选手共抢答8题,最后得分是26分,2号选手答错了几题?(3)3号选手共抢答14题,最后得分是32分.3 岂可谓登山者不知海之深 与 盖叹郦元之简 2号选手抢答15题,最后得分114分,她打错几题?(比赛规则:答对一题加10分,打错一题扣8分) 列方程解应用题,我要上学的小明读一本书,第一天读83页.第二天读74页,第三天读71页,第四天读64页,第五天读的页数比这五天中平均每天读的页数多3.5页.小明第五天读了几页? 所谓执着 最终卑微收场 I won’t let her go without a fight! 读书有什么好处呢(⊙o⊙)? 当秋天.再来的时候 .你要我笑着去爱去拥有.” 求读书获得精神的名言,O(∩_∩)O谢谢 这句话的意思是什么,得宽怀且宽怀,何用双眉总不开. 英语高手帮忙作几道英语填空题!perfection storage clap observe exclusive defend survey interviewquit cover1.The audience___enthusiastically at the end of the play.2.Torrence expects to___her title successfully in the next Olymipics.3.Woul 因笑谓迈曰:汝识之乎 意思 请高手帮忙作下英语填空题.(correspondence)(detail)(difficulty) (exactly)(fax)(form)(main) (nationality)(route)(submit)check out)(fill in)(take.)(for instance) 把这14个词填到下例空格中.1.The hotel requires its gurets to_____befor 1.Don't just listen to others.We'd better go and see ( )ourselves.[填介词]2.这些书将为我们提供所需要的全部信息.These books will ( ) us ( ) all the information we need.3.我们开了灯,以便能看见它是什么.We turned on the 有没有跟战争有关的成语例如:铁蹄压境、兵临城下、重火临城之类的 兵临城下怎么样 最有学问得人是谁? 关于感恩的作文,500字左右,好了加分,快一点~~~O(∩_∩)O谢谢 求一个初一下学期的《新学期,新感受》的作文,看我悬赏高的份上快一点,今天就要,急( ⊙ o ⊙ )啊!好的我会申精 英语翻译文章就航海业的意义作用做了全面细致的分析,并结合中国在航海业发展现状深入调查,分析了中国之所以这样的原因,并对其原因提出整体改善提高的意见.翻得好再加20,但不要翻译器 仿写一段话,老人时而槌抹鼓沿,时而肘杵鼓面,时而越腾猛锤,时而低伏轻抚,柔时如丝绸无骨,刚时像枪挑滑轮;乱则乌云横飞,齐则兵阵突进. 已知定点A(0,1),点B在直线X+Y=0上运动,当线段AB最短时,点B的坐标哎~`~~我脑袋笨笨,请一定要帮我诶! 英语翻译On 1 November,Albatross Company sent a letter to Budgie Ltd,with whom they had been negotiating,offeringthem a contract to service all Albatross's birdseed processors each month for the next five years at a cost of £10,000 per annum.The