
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 15:37:04
英语及物动词by the way ,have you ever been there中的been为什么不能换做visited 英语问题(及物动词)gain不是及物动词吗?为什么有个词组gain from貌似是从.获取. 英语 非及物动词The picture hanging on the wall was painted by me.表状态 为什么不用hanged? 英语及物动词和及物动词的区分---------直接给你一个动词怎么区分是及物还是非及物动词,完型填空中出现,不要告诉说考记住那些词!重要是方法! 下面两个英文句子哪个是对的?could you please tell me which is t下面两个英文句子哪个是对的?could you please tell me which is the way to the bank?could you please tell me which the way is to the bank?书上例句是第一个 He has to finish the work in two hours 变否定句怎么变? everybody knows everybody啥意思 Who i really am? what i really want.what should i do是什么意思? 给宝岛战士写一封信(250字) 初二英语同义句 the farmers always work hardthe farmers always work hard同义句the farmers work hard ____ ________ _______ton (黄冈)Thanks to the policy,which the goverment is sending home-electric machines to farmers,theycan pay much _____(少的)money. Are they helping the farmers ___ the work? he asked he asked the farmers to work for a long time改为被动语态 This American spaceship took a man into space变为一般疑问句 man,space,a,this,took,spaceship,American,into 排列 The American s_________took a man into s_____________.将单词补充完整 20.The man took ( ).(本题分数:1 分.)A、 two bottles of beer and a chocolate.B、 two bottle of beer and a chocolate.C、 two bottles of beer and a piece of chocolate.D、 two bottle of beers and a piece of chocolate. The man is an ____(America).用正确形式填空 什么像home,just one last dance,because of you这样经典的抒情歌?越多越好 Taiwan is a big i ;it belongs to China 首字母填空 谁会用台湾那边的拼音 教我下几个字的打法....会的麻烦从百度上给我发消息 之后我告诉你要打的字 如果是用法之类的就不用发了 我试过了就是弄不好.. 台湾拼音馨雨怎么拼写 信基督教的是些什么样的人? the. our. watch. to. teacher. gave. they连词成句和an. old. to. the. street. usually. cross. woman. takes. sally.连词成句 信基督教的人都相信什么?我希望较为详细的见解,有基督徒回答的就更好了 中国有多少信教的人?其中信佛的,信基督的,信什么的各占多少比例啊? -Would you like to go to the party with me?是对话怎么说?@-Would you like to go to the party with me?-______________. 1.thanks for inviting.2.would you like to go to a party with me.以上句子语法有问题吗?有请指出都是我自己写的 请写出古人勤奋读书的事例至少两句句子或名言,谚语;例子越多越好 举两个古人以苦为乐刻苦读书的事例 this time yesterday our teacher _______(tell)us an interesting story 英语翻译(汉文帝时)除盗铸钱令,使民放铸.贾谊谏曰:“……又民用钱,郡县不同:或用轻钱,百加若干;或用重钱,平称不受.……则市肆异用,钱文大乱.……今农事弃捐而采铜者日蕃,释其耒