
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 01:56:25
火车怎样才能爬上这样的陡坡呢?詹天佑顺着山势,设计一种“人”字形路线.用了设问,有什么好处? While I worked in the USA=( )( ) in the USA 中为什么前面while后用worked而不是working? clever的中文意思中文意思 急用 “ 情愿作野草,等着地下火烧”表现了鲁迅为革命事业什么的精神? Young & Clever 的中文意思 情愿作野草 等着地下的火烧表现出鲁迅为革命事业()的决心速度快才是效率,还要百分之九十九的正确率就可以了~ 翻译:My family and i were in Target,and there it was,waiting . What do you make the machine for?(改为同义句) ____________ do you make the machine? i was disappointed to see the machine go wrong ,to see the machine go wrong 在句中作什么成分呐 祖龙魂死业犹在什么意思 金田一中的黑死蝶杀人事件,里面的黑死蝶的学名是什么?真的有这种蝴蝶吗?请告诉我学名和产地. clever是什么意思啊? 初中数学分为几大部分初中数学除了分为代数和几何部分外还可以怎样分急! 线有______和______两种 要怎样提高做事的效率?我总是做一件事做一半觉得烦了又去做的别的了.弄得都只做了一半. Do not deceive me,you knew even if your lie I all can believe Don't lie,because you can only deceive those who believe in you 有什么语法点么 韶乐的读音 南京方言有个"韶死的了!"是什么意思 可能是读音相同吧...请南京的同胞解释解释...谢了还有一个就是"砸嘛机"听说是一种恶心的东西...是什么啊 韶什么读音?快回,十万火急! patience,go go wrong 有没有迷路的意思? Don't swim in the swimming is not a___ in the lake .Don't swin here Don 't let the childern who are too young _in this lake 应该用to swim 还是swim 为什么 Dear.I allways stand on your side.never They on more play the computer game 同义句 turn wrong 和go wrong的区别 英语翻译They are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusions句中"form"有何用意?还是单词应该是from,英语词典中"form”除了“种类,形式,样子,.”以外,没别的,可这些翻译在本句当中没有任 有没有go badly 请问,being在这里做什么成分?strangely enough,some famous scientists have the qualities of being both careful and careless.请问这里为什么要加being呢 i am rather(t );bring me something to drink