
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 02:03:26
A poor boy became rich and famous singer.He _________(marry结婚) and had two sons and two daughters.One day he ___________ (say) to his wife,” Our children mustn't _______________(have) a hard life as we had.We must help them more than our parent 人无完人是什么意思 古语中“不毛之地”中的“毛”是什么意思? 有生命的东西要生存下来需要什么 冬天有哪些有生命的东西? Old books have ceased to be of service.be是系动词,of service是表语,那么have ceased 是谓语,怎么句中有两个谓语?能分析一下句子成分吗? how long have learnt to swim?是什么意思 列式表示:a,b的平方和与3ab的差; 小华.小明的速度分为x米|分,y米|分,6分钟后他们一共走了多少米?正方形的边长为a,边长增加4后,面积增加了多少? 校园里有什么东西,有多少告诉我多少 小明家距学校500米 某天小明上学 以每分钟x米的速度走了300米 剩下的路程他加快速度比前面每分钟快走10米小明上学用了()分钟 氧化氢钠在空气中变质的化学式 终于相信 人无完人,但会完蛋 人无完人的意思 What can you made that can't be seen?貌似iq题! The greater you are,the less you can be 请问一下美国英国等欧美的家庭地址怎么翻译比如这句话,这个地址:塞尔维亚一号街122号别墅翻译成英文,该怎么写的? 英语翻译是该翻译成:我不能被你发现,还是:我不能被人发现和你在一起? 袁农平的故事111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 袁农平出身在多少年 wow里动燃之水 之土 空气 火焰 生命这一系列的东西哪里刷?这5中都要告诉一下 在0.5molNa2SO4中,含有的Na+数约是( ) A、3.01x1023 B、6.02x1023 C、0.5 D、1 问:Can you can a can as a canner can a 粒子数的单位是什么?当问题问**有多少个粒子时是写……NA还是直接写数字? can you can a can as a canner can can a can?If you can't any candy can,how many candy cans can a candy canner canif he can can candy cans? 用英语介绍袁农平 can you can a can like a canner can can a can?这里的每个can是什么意思呢. 次外层电子数为最外层电子数1/3RT 元素是什么?在1-18号之间的.还有结构示意图. Go with me,please的同义句是什么 介词填空:You can’t eat ____meals,or you’ll be fat. You can eat meals here ,but you don't cook it.是什么意思?答案是什么?我的作业啊,大家帮帮忙吧! 请问;括号内应该填什么:You can stay and eat meals in a( )( )is an area next to a house with plants and flowers.The friends come from many different( )in the world.You can eat and live in a( ).There are many busy and wide( )in a city. the gilr was -----(excite) about the result of the test