
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 16:47:52
当你选择私人助理的时候,经验和个人品质哪一个更重要? no doubt 的用法1、No doubt you would like a drink.2、 No doubt he was just trying to help,but he's spoiled our work.如果把no doubt放在句子中间,那么怎么改的好?you would no doubt like a drink.he was no doubt just trying to help,but 我想要详细解答以及no doubt的用法 there is doubt 和there is no doubt 用法There is more and more doubt____the UN resolution aimed at stopping humanitarian crisis in Lybia has been abusedA:if B:that C:/ D.whether这个是要选 that doubt的用法I doubt____she will change her mind for she often behaves strangely.这一题我觉得应该是选that,答案却是whether,为啥?啥时改用that,啥时用whether,在意思上有区别么?还有doubt和suspect的区别是啥? There Joyce took charge of the meeting 怎样改为同义句 Lucy is ______ of the twins.A.the careful B.the more carefu C.careful D.the most careful 帮忙区别more carefully,more careful,much careful,much carefully请举例子Now Helen works______than before应该填哪个 为什么 用the more careful或more careful填空:He is ( ) of the two.请先翻译全句,再告诉我你为什么这么选择? Shall we discuss the problem at the meeting today?we'd better not.___,the problem isn't so burning. begun with? beginning with? to begin with? being begin with? why? 将下列句子改为被动语态.We will discuss the problem tomorrow.He will paint his house next week.They will finish the job in three hours.将下列句子改为主动语态.A new road will be built by them in the village.Some friends will be in kate said “let·s discuss the problem tomorrow ...变间接引语 You should return my bike tomorrow.的被动语态 我作业时老是趴在床上 我们在做作业时哪些部位参与了这个活动 我们在做作业时有哪些部位参与了这个活动 为什么人总觉得在身体舒服的状态下做事情才能投入高效?例如我在做作业的时候,用要把身子坐得很舒服才能很安心地思考, “福如东海长流水,寿比南山不老松”用英语怎么说?有急用有条件的话可以附带一篇用英文写的生日贺卡我的英语卷纸上有这个作文 福如东海,寿比南山为什么说福要如东海,寿要比南山还有,南山在哪里>? Experience of the world is of course essential for all humans.Without experience of other ...Experience of the world is of course essential for all humans.Without experience of other people speaking we would never learn language.1.这句话中的expe THE ESSENTIAL PHANTOM OF THE OPERA怎么样 It was essential that we sing lease before the end of the month汉语怎么翻译? 描写阳光的词希望能尽快答复, 关于荣耻的格言名人名言不要 有关“荣耻”的成语或古语 以下哪个词是in a word的近义词?A.in short B.no doubt C.in detail D.in fact no的近义词? deal with 的近义词 crowded with的近义词 What is the only thing you can break when you its name?英语谜语 The only thing you can do when you no longer have something is not to forget.希望大家好好帮我看下 When you no longer have something ,the only thing you can do is not to forget .