
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:55:00
1978年后的 衣 食 住 行 有怎么样的变化 1978年后,中国的政治高层是如何进行整合,以推动改革的? 求一类书籍,让我读了,可以用更加精准的词汇去表达我的思维和情感,以及去总结别人的性格和品质?我读的书相对较少,当然不是一点都开不了口,只是情到深处时候,就只能蜻蜓点水了.而且对 对他发嗲,英语怎么说? 家里灯坏了,我该怎么修厨房的灯.卸下来一看,灯丝烧断了,于是换好灯泡.换了几个还是不亮,才明白不仅仅是灯泡坏了.下一步我该怎么弄呢?怎么看呢我家里其他电器、插座都没事 家里的电灯不亮了,不知道什么原因,该怎么修嗯,昨天家里的电灯突然间就熄灭了,然后打开就不亮了,怎么办?是开关?还是灯泡?还是起辉器?还是别的什么?没有万用表和电笔该怎么办 汉译英在线翻译句子什么事使他如此担忧?what ___ ___ so much?应该是worry的词组? 求翻译What do you have in a Small.Thanks 为什么 孙中山三民主义和三权分立什么关系 为什么 孙中山三民主义思想来自孟德斯鸠的三权分立 英语 great,well!i am thinking /think that everything用am thinking 还是think What about _____ (lend) me some money. 判断正误:Are you expecting Jack to come to your party? 英语翻译store.Since education plays an indispensable role in managing those conflicts,the following four pillars of education are proposed.Learning to live together call for an understanding of others and the awareness of the diversity,similariti 英语翻译对划线部分提问I am at home.(划线部分:at home)They put their books in the schoolbag.( )do ( )( )their books?(划线部分:in the schoolbag)He studies in Beijing.(划线部分:in Beijing)She does her 用所给动词的适当形式填空1.When and where____(be) you born2.We____( not have) classes this aftrnoon becauae our teacheer was ill 3.What is Han Meimei doing?She ____(take)boxes onto the truck.4.Alice had enjoys (pleasant) day because her le 改变地形的力量有哪些好 还有哪些因素在改变着陆地地形,各因素对地形有怎样的作用?好的我还要加分!请快些回答! 哪些力量会改变地形面貌 替母分忧 作文600字 选择题 l am so hungry ,and l would like -----------piece of cakeAotherBthe otherCanotherDothers what do you have for breakfast,加入usually,请问加入在什么位置? we hope you can come to the party tonight这句话的同义句 We hope you can come to the party tonight.= We hope you __ __ __ __ come to the party tonight. There is___milk in the fridge.You'd better go and get some A.few B.a few C.a little D.littleJack didn't pass the exam this time.He looked____A.sadly B.sad C.happy D.happily We were glad to celebrate our motherland,China's birthday on October 1st ,2009. our country,s birthday is_________.a on October 1st,1949 b 1949,on October 1st单选 In presence of love miracle happens翻译成中文是什么 in presence of 还是in the presence of对啊 When is our country's birthday ?怎么回答 at 9 am on october15 2003 our country sent its…… 英语翻译这是我在看关于T-RFLP数据分析方面的文章时遇到的,