
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/31 02:59:52
我还有几空不会. I don't mind( ).Alaugh at B laughing at C be laughed at D being laughed at -Do you mind if I put a pen here?--()A.No,certainly nat B.yes,I mind C.No,I don't need.为什么选择A 床头捉刀人 阅读《床头捉刀人》回答问题1.将省略的句子成分补填在横线上.既毕,___________令间谋问曰:“魏王如何?”2.曹操为什么不亲自召见匈奴使者?3.匈奴使为什么被杀?4.这个小故事,作 There's a bar next by the railway station.这句话对吗? What are the main functions of Parliament? 英语翻译标准翻译是:在火车进站20分钟前她就进了车站. She entered the station twnty minutes before the train was due,since her parents had impressed upon her that it would be unforgivable to miss it and cause the friends with whom she was going to stay to make two journeys to meet her.请帮我详细的 作者写太行、王屋二山的高大,运土路途遥远,有什么作用 床头捉刀人中魏王是怎样的人 在床头捉刀人中曹操虽 “行陋” ,但英雄气度非凡,用一词概括 oly three of other only是什么词性 只见那床头捉刀人,...(对魏王做个肖像描写) three of them 是否是名词词性,请说出理由 my oil ——.I must go to the gas station before there is none left.A has run out B is running out C has been run out D is being run out.为什么啊 最好写在纸上 数列{an}满足1/2a1+1/2^2a2+1/2^3a3……1/2^nan=2n+5.求通项 因式分解,最好在纸上写好拍照 how many seas must a white dove sail Before she sleeps in the sand?的意思 数列an中,已知a1=1,a1+2a2+3a3+.+nan=2n-1,则an=____. 已知数列{an}满足2a1+2^2a2+2^3a3+...+2^nan=(2n-1)·2^(n+1) +2❶求a1及其通项公式❷求证:1/(a1)²+1/(a2)²+···+1/(an)²<1/4 郑和远航是哪7次远航? 因式分解就一题,第三题,最好写在纸上, Sometimes I feel like there's no getting through to what did you say at the meeting?I said ______Tom saved a girl 你对郑和远航的评价 郑和远航有什么意义20字以内 急需一个英语单词发音软件,以前下的软件发音是sam听不懂, sam Cassell什么意思 正月腊梅有什么特点 腊梅的特点是什么? 腊梅的有什么特点?