
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 15:23:02
on the weekend,这个怎么读. weekend中的k也是要读g的音吗?为什么这么读呢 请问Es mejor solo que mal acompanado是什么意思啊?西班牙语的 10010506(zhang):once a bee stings,it usually flies away leaving both the sting and a part of tis abdomen behind.想知道的语言点:1—这个behind放在句尾是不是也是和both放在句尾一样的用法,同谓语. TENGA哪个型号好 1.Is this exhibition ___some American friends visited last WedensdayA.that B.the one C.where2.the doctor found the sick woman __in bedA.lies B.lay C.lying 哪位有公共英语四级的词汇表啊?请问哪位有PET4的词汇表啊?要电子档的,要是还有重点词汇表再就再好不过了.谢谢. instruction manual是什么意思 It does not hurt feelings,when it comes to money,but it indeed damo ast money when it comes to feelings she usually sing还是singing还是别的 I usually sing at 3:00...这样可以写么? usually的意思要翻译意思 连词成句 Hand very today Mar looks smart 《狼王梦》里的小故事概括 Mrs.Hand looks very smart Mrs.Hand looks very smart today用中文翻译 炘是什么意思 They sing _________New Year.a.celebrate b.to celebrate c.celebrating d.celebrates statutory 昨晚我在天空看到一颗星由南向北运动,是不是人造卫星 paternity leave是什么意思 Pistachio-Chocolate Truffles怎么翻译 kitty is a little weak.he doesn't have enough energy (run) 也许、我们只有做朋友才可以永远得英文怎么写 也许、我们只有做朋友才可以永远.得英文怎么写 我们甚至连朋友都不是,翻译为英文英文 我明天就报名了,我作业还有英语没有写好,好多的单词.我们班写最快的也要4天 chinese married couple ---red pockets to their children and the unmarried people at new yearAare to given B have given C are given Dare giving 为什么选A 大明湖上有没有一座上面写着步青两个字的桥?求桥的照片和来历 Chinese poeple put their family name f________RT 明朝前期的_______加强了同海外各国的联系架起了中外友好交 往的海上桥梁 在括号中填上合适的词语 将母爱浓缩于深深( )婉转的报着() 没有朋友 不是朋友 用英文怎么说