
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/28 14:31:12
No matter how bright a talker you are,there are times when it's better _____ silent.[ ] A.remainB.be remainingC.having remained D.to remain 求详解 木兰诗中可汗与天子表意上矛盾吗 谁帮我取个不常见有个性的男英文名Peter Tom 这类的就不用说了还要有中文意思 最好是好听点的 帮我取个英文名.谢谢~(常见的不要哦,呵呵)我的中文名:dan 取个不常见的英文名 “王老师的这番话很美丽、很迷人.”修改病句~ an old wives' tale是什么 意思 old wives'tale是什么意思 Are you old for fairy tales? 中文意思是什么?求解.谢谢. <木兰诗>中面对可汗大点兵,木兰做出的决定是 out of bottle的意思 "the dog went to thefridge, took out a bottle of milk with the mouth and poured it into a measuring cup."是什么意思? 段宏怎么死的历史上 He fucked with you,he fucked with We sometime (eat dinner) in a restaurant.划线提问 Should children be forced to speakin a standardised way rather than with regional accents and idioms?怎么翻译? students of English should be forced to speak English at least one hour every day这是个英语辩论赛,我是属于正方的,请问怎么辩呢?紧急 出自《大道之行也》的成语 《大道之行也》中至今仍在使用的成语 有哪些出自此文,找出4个以上快拉 谁知道呀 本文选自《礼记。礼运》 He must have been ill,____?Yes ,otherwise he wouldnt be absent from the party yesterday.A.isn't he B.wasnt he C.can't he D.mustn't he He must have been ill,or he ( )to the party last nigjtA would have been B should be C would be D had to be Our English club was set up ,aiming to improve the students'ability tu make use of Ehglishaiming to improve the students'ability tu make use of Ehglish,句子后半句是什么用法 英语翻译歌曲全名...Flo Rida Ft.T-Pain-Low 就是这样了... 20句文明用语 有关文明用语的句子!SD呀 The diffence between Chinese and English Application 以文明用语的要求将下列话换个说法 按文明用语的要求,将下列话换个说法.1、喂,奶奶,明天春游,快给我钱.2、妈妈,学校号召我们捐款救灾,快给我八元钱.3、喂,小鬼,把扫把借我用一下. 喂,妈.今天要交饭钱,快拿来.按文明用语的要求,将这个句子换个说法. 把下面句子换个说法,符合文明用语的要求 喂,妈,明天学校组织社会实践活动,快给钱. 喂,老头,把锄头借我用一下,以文明用语的要求,将下列话换个说法 求初三演讲稿《微笑面对生活》要原创的,谢谢急啊,求救