
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 07:14:53
尼日利亚这个地名用英文是?好好答! 尼日利亚最著名的英语作家有________、________. 有没有什么好看的英文书 he is very kind 为什么是错的.而he is very kind to us就是对的呢 he is a very kind man 划线kind提问 wang hong is very kind.he always helps what's your father like/D.He is very kind问句应该是什么?A.He likes apples B.He is a worker C.He is tall D.He is very kind 尼日利亚这个国家,经济发展程度怎样1,是发展中国家么?2,与中国大陆相比,谁的经济水平更高? a person who has very good grade and he is a top students in university He is a very good studentHe is a very good studenta.all right b .that's all right c.yes,really?d.that's right He is a_____ student,and he can play the piano very well.要填的是以a开头的单词 he is a very good student.very为什么是副词 he is a good student,and works very very hard,------ 填:so it is with her.为什么 nba英文解说词求一段NBA比赛的英文解说词,最好能有火箭VS湖人!(没有的话那也没关系啦…)谢谢哦~^ ^要有中英文对照的哦^^ 请问谁有nba英文解说词 NBA解说词(英文)渴望得到一段NBA比赛英文的解说词.比如说科比接到球、运球、急停、跳投得分,这样的解说词,最好是中英文的.如果有视频出处请附上视频连接,如果答案非常好会追分的!需 求NBA解说词(英文的)多点 几个英语单词同义词goal,ought toof coursetoughwould like 帮我把这些英语单词的同义词写出来行吗?for the simple reason thata collar and tiehuman naturesacrificegive rise to这个换成一个单词,a开头的.in the case of 英语单词no的同义词是什么? 问几个英语单词的同义词more than、seemed to、appeared 如何背英语单词和同义词?求指教重要的同义词改怎么背,分开背还以一起背,求方法啊 求英语大神做阅读!The father and brother had many fine horses and liked ____. A. to talk about animals B. to talk about horses C. to talk about Mr. Travers D. to talk about dogsIt was a pity for Travers to meet the girl's fathe 英语大神快来做阅读!(急求)对的T错的F1. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the same day in North American countries.2. The first thanksgiving serivce took place in North America on December 4th 1619.3. Abraham Lincoln made November 26 英语题阅读求大神帮忙 tochomae subway station是什么意思 get to the subway station的意思 Is this the train station or subway station?This is a train station. They were building a subway station at that time. 有哪些关于思念远方恋人的诗词,我比较看重词 有首歌里有句什么你走远方,我的思念陪你到远方的词~那个叫什么 啊 英语大神求做阅读对错题!对用T,错用F1. "Trick or Treat" is a kind of greeting by children. 2. Long long ago, November 1st was the beginning3. All Saints' Day didn't belong to Americans long4. Today more and more adults