
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 23:57:45
全脑永久记忆训练法翻译成英语是什么 甲+友点读笔点附送的《全脑记忆英语》不发音是怎么回事? 替 这个字的意思 是不是一个男人干累了,另一个替 困苦的困的意思,有没有包含这个字的成语 How can I get to the post office?的同义句 ( )( )get to the post office? 有的人喜欢用亲这个字.比如,亲,吃饭了吗,亲,最近忙吗.亲别太累到自己. to be loose in morals帮忙译一下喔. 辩论赛:建设美丽校园重在校园文化还是文明举止,我方是后者.求高手提点. loose 的这句话怎么解释?loose 100rmb这句话是指 下降到1000元,还是下降了1000元?这个单词和lose有什么区别阿 We can slip this asignment up into different parts and each work on our part individually.1.slip this asignment up into 与 slip this asignment into 的区别.2.each work on our part individually.语法分析 bare-arse bare necesities什么意思? Though he is a young boy now .He can cook by himself这里前面有时间状语now是修饰全句吗如果名词前有一个定语 可以与那个名词看作一个整体吗 Although he is old now ,he can cook by himself 为什么这里的now不能调到句子最前修饰全句而He was doing his homework when his father came yesterday 的yesterday有能 教教我把谢谢 1.Most students like English.2.You will be tired if you play like this.有两句要改错的急. 小红倒了一杯牛奶,先喝了1/2,加满水,又喝了1/6,再加满水喝了1/3,最后加满水喝完.小红一共喝了多少杯牛奶,多少杯水? 池塘有一个进水管,A小时可以注满全池,池底有个出水管,B小时可以放完满池的水,若同时打开进水管和出水管,则经过多少小时可以注满全池?求仔细点说,因为本人是在很笨~B>A private computer和personal computer 有什么区别啊 computer 节词 computer这个词的来源 托福预测机经应该怎么看 准吗 computer是什么词,怎么用 请问下托福预测机经在哪找啊? Have more and more trees ____(plant)and there wi l l come a day when you have green land thanksHave more and more trees ____(plant)and there wi l l come a day when you have green land thanks to your hard work.答案给的是plante May there be more successto come. 高三英语this was ______ I used to run around with friends.A.the place B.where 选哪一个,为什么 不要过分在乎别人对你的看法"可以用什么诗句或彦语来表达? 困字中间的木怎么解释 “困于心”的“于”字的解释? a police has a younger brother.But the brother says he has no brothers.Do you know Why?急用啊 并且请大家来猜一猜 怎样填写托福iBT恢复已取消成绩的申请表 求辩:“创建和谐校园,校风比校规更重要”.小弟初来乍到,望高手不吝赐教!