
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 09:45:20
Don't worry about me .I can do it well________(I)Please give me my best w______to your parentsfor me 音爆产生后仍旧以超音速前进还会产生音爆吗? 如何画好动物国画 中国的动物国画大师有哪些?我知道的只有这几个:徐悲鸿——马齐白石——虾傅抱石——人物吴作人——熊猫蓝犁——虎李可染——水牛李苦禅——鹰 状物作文什么海豚 信鸽什么乱起八糟的.什么的, 怎么做状物作文 如何写论文研究背景及意义如何写《公务员工作压力源分析与对策》论文的研究背景及意义?怎么写? 【名师成长】年轻教师如何成为优秀教师 Don't worry about him=(保持句意基本不变)Don't___ ___ about him.Lilly won't come tomorrow,I think.I____ think Lily _____ come tomorrow.优化练习寒假20天六年级英语(N版)天津科学技术出版社 The 10th Day 我要的是所 l am carefree.l don't worry about anything 同义句 第十二届创新英语大赛复赛作文题目 有一个 management accounting A company produced products.The order quantity of the material is 2000 kg.Average usage is 800 kg per week and a safety stock of 1000 kg is kept.lead time between order and receipt is 4 weeks.week 1:day 1 balance b/f management accountant与 management accounting区别 具体点~The skill that a management accountant needs to possess are as varied as the roles that a management accountant can undertake. do you know 亲,Do you know? where,when,what,who,how各造一句话 what,where,who,if,whether,how,when有区别 We can stay at home watching TV and play cards with the family.请指出错误 _____his homework ,he decided to stay at home and went on with it1.Not finishing2.Finishing not3.Not having finished4.Having not finished最好有原因 状物文章 帮我造20句what who when where how 的从句,(完成后再加20分) 什么是状物的文章? get along with sth 有没有“更好地理解”的意思 用What,Where,When,Who,Which,Why,Whose,How各造3句 现在,过去,将来 Don't worry about the children,"the doctor told her (改为同义句) Don't worry about her!这句话哪个地方错了? Don't worry about your grandma's healthy.(同义句转换) 两道英语小题It is i___ to do that. It must be dangerous.Nick u___ the money to buy a CD player. 两道英语小题,1.---Why do you think the woman is running?--- She____ running for getting thinnerA.could be B.was C.is D.would be2.The teacher told us there would be a math test____ algebra(代数) next weekA.on B.of C.in D.for 英语 英语两道小题1,the three sons provide their father ____FOOD and clothes.A,for B,withC,inD,by2,we have built a great green wall to stop the wind from _____THE earth away.A,BLOWING B,BLOWS C,TO BLOW D,BLOWN 英语,两道小题