
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 16:48:52
Forever in three months 与 for three months区别they will have the final exam ____ theree months The workers will finish building the new bridge in three months. (划线提问) _______ ______ will thThe workers will finish building the new bridge in three months. (划线提问)  _______ ______ will the workers finish building the new bridge? 是three-month还是 three-months对 the workers spent three years ___ this bride 用build.tobuild .building built 哪个 雀巢雪糕会不会融化? 屋顶太阳能板如何清洗?请说出有那些方案,以及方案细节. 电阻星型连接与三角形连接的等效变换U12=i1R1-i2R2,U23=i2R2-i3R3,i1+i2+i3=0怎么变形计算得出 i1=(R3U12-R2U31)/(R1R2+R2R3+R3R1),我需要演算过程,自己算了半天也算不出来, 电阻星形联结与三角形联结的等效变换问题?(1.6.2)(1.6.3)(1.6.4)怎样推导? 请问这个图除了用星形联结与三角形联结外,还有什么办法求出等效电阻Rab呢? 三个相等的电阻三角形连接是否等于其星形连接 三角形连接等效电阻和星形连接的等效电阻是重点吗? 我的老师直接跳过了这个没讲 , 这个是重点吗 ? 考试考吗 ? 我有必要看下么? no one can accompany you forever 请问:经过车削加工的铝合金零件,不经过钝化处理可以直接使用吗? saph400 它是什么钢,是不是日本的 日本钢DURON1的化学成分是什么? The four months are all the three months l( ).括号里面填残缺的单词 he( )Luzhou for three months.A.has left B.has come to C.has gone to D.has been away from 应该选哪个? With prices rising sharply,we now have to spend _______ three months ago on basic living materials.A.as twice much as \x09\x09B.twice as much as C.twice as more than \x09\x09D.twice as many as为什么选B啊.到底修饰什么啊,是time吗 they have been in nanjing since ______.A.three weeks B.three days before C.four months agoD.next weekseveral days has passed _____ the air carsh happened.A.since B.after C.as D.before · 3003铝板和3A21铝板哪个做阳极氧化效果更好 什么是钝化反应,为什么发生 怎样验证铝合金产品是否钝化 夜字加一部分组成新字再组词 给下面的字加一部分组成新字再组词昆几暴 在下面字的上下左右各加一偏旁,组成新字,再组词____( ) ____( ) 日____( ) 立____( ) ____( ) ____( )____( ) ____( ) 给下列字加一部分,组成新字再组词.宅()( ) ()( ) 既 ()( ) 着急 詹字加一部分组成新字再组词 桅杆是什么意思 our memories will live our love will grow endlessly是什么意思 求七夕 词一首见谅 ___the right decision __ the future is probably the most impotant thing we will ever do in our livea making concernedb make concerningc to make concerned d making concerning为什么 不选A