
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 12:43:41
2004年印度洋发生了海底地震.地震发生时产生次声波,已知次声波在水中的传播速度是1500m/s.若某次海啸发生的中心位置到最近的陆地距离是300km,海浪推进的速度是200m/s,求:(1)岸上一起接收 物理机械运动一个重为50牛的物理在沿斜面向上的拉力F=10N 作用下,自底端匀速运动到顶端所用时间为16秒,若斜面高为1.6米,机械效率为75%,则物体在斜面上的运动速度为? 机械运动【物理】一辆汽车在十字路口等候绿灯,当绿灯亮是汽车以每秒钟均匀增加2m/s的速度开始运动,恰巧在这时有一辆自行车以6m/s的速度匀速驶来,从后面超过汽车.设两车在平直的公路上 物理机械运动的 玻璃茶几与支柱脱胶用什么胶水粘最牢固 Which songs are the most ____(受欢迎)among the young people at the moment? 是popular还是welcome? jay is one of the most popular singers () young people in China填 with 或者 in jiangnan style is ______among young people.A.popular B.the most popular这道题我个人认为应该选A,但是有人说是B most young people enjoy popular m_____very much 计算机软件基本结构包含是什么 Choose one of your family members.Write a shortpassage about him/her.Then read it to your class.翻译成汉语 Now write about your 3.Can you tell us something about one of the members in your family?是用英语回答这些问题不是翻译 三.1.Can you say something about one of your classmates?2.Which university do you prefer to study?Why?3.Do your like English?Why or why 翻译:Write something about one of your family members like Sentence D in Exercise 2. 骑车上坡为什么在上坡前加速,上坡时减速?有什么科学道理吗? 为什么三轮车有变速箱 硫离子和亚硫酸根离子能否在碱性环境共存?为什么? 4 They knew her very well.They had seen her ___ up from childhood.A.grow B.grew C.wassee sb do sthdo 一定用原型吗?还是得根据语境? they are very well.对very well提问 the nurses are very p__,they look after the sick people very well they did very well in the movies.同义句 Her shoes ______ her dress; they look very well together.A.suit B.fit C.compare D.match 计算机软件有哪些种类,分别都有什么功能? 钠离子 氯离子 碳酸根离子 亚硫酸根离子 哪一个跟氢氧根不共存 硝酸根离子.氢氧根离子.氯离子.碳酸根离子.钠离子能共存么?钠离子.亚硫酸根离子.硝酸根离子.硫酸根离子和氢离子能共存么?还有,亚硫酸根离子和次氯酸根离子怎么检验。麻烦回答得详 碳酸根可以和氢氧根离子共存吗 is your family a h oneIs your family a h____ one?横线上填什么? Who's the () (busy) one is your family 冬雨 清晨,来开门迈入楼道,就听到楼顶的木制盖板上“沙沙”“吧嗒”“兵乓”的声音.北国的冬不本是下雪的季节吗?在这“大雪”的节令,在一场瑞雪之后,竟然下了一场小雨!听惯了西北风 烷烃是否只能发生取代反应?或者说烷烃都能发生什么反应? 烷烃发生取代反应后的生成物叫什么?(还是烷烃吗) 所有烷烃都可以发生取代反应吗