
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 01:35:58
on one's way 还是 in one's way正确? 0.5MPa气压8分进气管,如何设计才能才能使真空发生器的真空口吸力大于5N(真空进气管6分 吸盘直径10MM)旋风真空发生器XFK-04或旋风真空发生器XFK-09S系列的真空发生器允许的漏气量是多少 高中英语如何拿满分 玻璃棉的价格如何计算?比方 一吨是7500 要容重35kg/m³的,厚度7.5公分,宽1.2米,每米多少钱? 一般认为T检验不能代替方差分析,那么能用one-way ANOVA 代替T 统计学ANOVA中hierarchical "In order to further investigate any possible anxiety-gender interaction,two-by-two analysis of variance(simple factorial ANOVA,hierarchical method) was performed for each of the five measures for which significant dif 真空压力跟真空吸力是一回事吗 2和35和45的共同因数 I'm a student,t____. 已知某轮船在逆水中航行的速度是m千米一小时,水流速度是2千米一小时,求此轮船在静水中航行速度是多少?在顺水中航行三小时的行程是多少千米 什么是two-sided student t test 2-tailed student's t-test翻译成中文是什么检验? 小学六年级,有回答立刻采纳! 六年级下册语文113页第1,2,3课外题嘀答案 吊唁造句 阿长与《山海经》的记叙线索是什么?作者是怀着怎样的心情去写的?文中哪句话抒发了作者对阿长的怀念之情? 用“文绉绉”造句, 文绉绉怎么造句?ya 用文绉绉和郑重造句要有新意 男子400米跨栏,从起点至第一栏的距离是45米,第一栏到最后一栏,每两栏之间的距离都是35米,最后一栏到终点的距离是40米,400米跨栏一共设置了多少个栏架? 什么是规则?其存在有什么意义? Y高中英语满分是150分,刚上高一的我只能打一百零几分,请告诉我提高英语的方法? 请问,一年时间,有可能将高中英语从60分提高到140么?基础挺差的,词汇量掌握的也不多. 如何用1年半的时间学完高中英语 题1 乒乓球对的10名队员中有3名主力队员,派5名队员去比赛.3名主力队员要安排在第一,第三,第五位置,其余7名队员选2名安排在第二,第四位置,那么不同的出场安排共有多少种?题2某校2000人参加 ∫(上限是4,下限是0)e^(x/2) dx=∫(上限是π/2,下限是0)√(1-sin2x) dx= 第一题;-5四分之一减2²÷{(-二分之一)²+3×(-四分之三)}÷(-4)第二题;丨-3²-2丨-丨-2³+8丨×(-1)的2010次方 You ______ things about .Look,what a mess it is in your room!Aalways throwBhave always thrownCare always throwingDhave always been throwing 1,学校要建一段围墙,由甲、乙、丙三个班完成,已知甲班单独干需要20小时完成,乙班单独干需要24小时完成,丙班单独干需要28小时完成,如果先由甲班工作1小时,然后由乙班接替甲班干1小时,再 1.Did you ask whose computer( A.this blue one was B.is this blue one C.it was this blue one D.this blue one is2.The mother asked her son ( A.what did he do the day before B.where did he find his lost wallet C.what time he got up that morning D.that i 1 .______ wind or rain,we always go to school on time.A.Whether B.If C.No matter D.Regardless of 2._____ that they had to stay at home all day.A.So the weather was terrible B.The weather so terrible was C.So terrible was the weather D.So was the terr 1.He was traveling around the world but ______ I was locked in my house.A.while B.when C.as D.meanwhile2.-Can we put off the meeting?-_______.This is the only day everyone is available.A.Not necessarily B.No problem C.Not really D.meanwhile3.______is