
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 05:23:57
i have a watch,the hand of which is.i have a watch,the hand of which is ...这句话能改成i have a watch,of which the hand is... 补充下列词语.1.民( )( )待 2.劳( )( )悴 3.效( )功( ) 富贵而劳悴,不若安闲之贫贱;贫贱而骄傲,不若谦恭之富贵. 秦朝灭亡后起义军还是不是农民军了 这个字怎么读? 陆游的 纸上德来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行.这一句说明的道理是 陆游的‘纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行’这一句,说明的是什么道理这一句,说明了什么道理 纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行.——宋.陆游 陆游的纸上得来终觉浅说明的是什么道理 为什么这里用“who is they?”而不是“who are they?”视频里,男主角问“他们是谁?”为什么用的是“who is they?”而不是“Who are they? 你知道初3的2次函数怎样能学的更好啊...拜托.期待您的真知灼见 帮我改一篇短文改错,谢了!After 5 years away in my hometown,I find that The neighborhood which I used to living in has changeda lot.The Sichuan Restaurant and the older fish shopacross the street from our middle school were goneThere exsit n 一篇英语短文改错,请帮忙改一下(10处错误)One afternoon becasue Chaplie was sitting togeter with his friends and talking ,a fly flew into a room and kept flying around ChPalie's head.Chaplie waved his hands to drive it away,but the 帮我改下错,短文改错!an american amd frenchman dicided to across the sea between france and england in the balloon in 1784.high over the water ,they discover a hole in the balloon .the hole became bigger and bigger .the air keeps the balloon pill什么意思? this boy always told lies .保持句意.this boy was__.就是我原来要问的 Tom_____always______lies.A.is;telling B./;tells C./;told D.has;told ‍ 短文改错 改10处visiting a city you have never been before can be fun.Finding out informations about the city before you can make the trip more interested!Most cities have a travel office from that you can get many useful things.One of the most 短文改错、修改10处. 小巫见大巫是什么意思? 能在方格中画等边三角形吗?如能如何画?如何在无限大的方格中画正三角形? 等边三角形怎么画 pill是什么意思 pill什么意思 dripping pill organazer是什么意思 如题 纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行 体现什么哲学道理? 求国外电影 一个人开车在公路上在两辆厢式汽车中间斜着开过去的,换挡就马上车子斜着的是无意中看视频的时候看到的宣传片 作文第一次开汽车600字 注:不过我开得来我爸的那个广本 自动档的 急 求一首和差不多调的英语歌 一次,乾隆皇帝让纪晓枫给自己的扇面题此诗.纪晓枫刷刷几笔写完,中间却漏了个"间"字.皇帝要问罪他巧妙地利用不同的朗读停顿,将缺了一个"间"字的诗解释成一首完整的诗,请你也试试看.另: