
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/17 20:42:15
“大丈夫不能流芳百世,亦当遗臭万年”体现什么人生态度?怎么评价?不必举例 What?That is so i().What do you w() for Halloween? 大丈夫不能流芳百世,宁可遗臭万年.王侯将相宁有种乎? "不能流芳百世,就要遗臭万年"是谁说的,做一下他的简介和历史评价同题 大丈夫不能流芳百世,亦当遗臭万年.是谁说的.桓温是谢安吗 请问 我的名字叫朱娜,可不可以帮我取个英文名? What is "Also In The News" Asia is____the largest continent in the world.A.by far B.far away C.in the distance D.a little为什么选A不选BCD啊 浅谈“流芳百世”和“遗臭万年”-----------“包公”与“和珅”为官之道600字左右 谁集流芳百世和遗臭万年于一身 On Sunday he likes () basketball.应该填什么如果是like,后面又应该填什么 He goes to a basketball match on Sunday (复数形式)___ ____ to basketball____ on Sunday. 【急】《送东阳马生序》中,老师的教学态度,作者的求教态度,各是怎样的?两个都是先用自己的话概括,之后用原文概括. 回答格式:老师的教学态度:自己的话概括:———————— .原文 4. ______ the bad news of his son’s death, the old man went ______. A. On; crazy B. At ; mad C. Hearing ; bad D. Heard; wild Millie's dress is as long as Amy's同义句Millie's dress is______ ______ ______ ______Amy's. 急求北师大版七年级英语unit8lasson31you aren't missing much课件如题~如果好的话还可以加分,谢谢大家了是7年级下册 还分课文么...1是we're having a terrible time,2是it’s too elegant means what 是什么 我现在高一,将来想当翻译,应该怎么做?我想当一名翻译,可我的英语成绩一般般,我现在提高成绩还来得及吗?我该注重那几方面/如何提高? 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译 Do you know the a_____ of these things?Of course.Two cups of yogurt,two apples and three bananas. He was_______at first because people there did not understand himDr.Albert Schweitzer was a jungle doctor in Africa.He was born in France.He had learned to play the piano since he was five and he was a very good musician.He decided to be a doctor whe 是看不懂不会填)On CHristmas Day,Mike's family were in his grandpa's house,after lunch,they looked for their (1)_____ in the house,later,sat (2)_____ the CHristmas tree and opeder their perents,Mike (3)_____ a skateboard from his mother.Lucy go 六年级英语我有一些不懂跪求解答 马上期末考了啊 1:就是什么时候句子的那里要加ing2:就是什么时候句子后面要加s-es3:就是句型不是很懂 例如句子的顺序什么主语啊那些 比如这个how does 青铜葵花中至爱的片段 怎么加盟ME&CITY ?Me&City属于高端品牌 Let’s______sports together.一定要很快很快哦!速度!晚了,我知道了。 ME&CITY是什么牌子啊?我花了400买的这个牌子的包包~是真的吗?在MB专卖买的!它是怎么读的啊?怎么读? ME&CITY是美特斯邦威旗下的品牌吗?