
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/15 01:37:13
英语翻译In Europe,tough times are sure to continue if unemployment isn't brought in to check soon.As the Huffington Post suggests,with an unemployment rate of nearly 12%,or 26 million people,E.U.governments have their work cut out for them.这段 请教 商务英语翻译谢谢了well, the group is largely in the mining sector, and Trident doesn’t fit in with that, so you’d expect the parent company to want to sell it. Or alternatively to be active, say by helping it to expand its markets 英语翻译Last time Simon okayed some contracts,he recommended including a trial period of three months,the employee hadn't been qualified for long.I'd like to do the same this time.My question is,is three months the maximum time allowed?Right,got 李甜甜的英文名字是什么? 如图,已知∠1=∠2,∠C=∠D,试说明∠A=∠F. 英语翻译嫂子家教好严哦,调教得不错! 英语翻译 犯了什么罪进少管所. 一些法律上的相关知识 耀斑爆发时是否诱发台风和火山地震? 地震会不会造成新火山的形成?我为四川担忧 用青春来写出三个句子!这三个句子都使用比喻,够成排比. 为何美国叫国务卿而不叫外交部长? crab这英文字写成中文该怎么写? 为什么美国把外长称为“国务卿”而不是外长或国务大臣等? 晏子使楚这个故事发生在 ,他出使楚国却遭到楚王的三次侮辱:1. 2. 3. ,但都被晏子巧妙回击了,从中我们感到晏子不仅 ,更是个 的人. 谁有好听的英文名字带翻译? 速度与激情英文是什么?速度与激情的英文是什么?缩写又是什么? 大富翁8的问题大富翁使用卡片后怎么移动地图,比如说我要盖房,房子距离远,可是使用卡片后就不能移动了 这有什么窍门吗 速度与激情6 里面「车在人在」英文怎么说的如题 谁知道这是什么车子?速度与激情6里面的 新鲜空气 用英文怎么写 新鲜的空气用英文怎么说? 英译中..!帮忙把这篇文章翻译出来..!our side haslearned that your side is seeking for suppliers of sports goods.WE avail ourselves of this opportunity to approach you for the establishment of trade relations with you.interests at this end 求!帮我大致翻译一下这篇文章吧~~(英译中—)A new study has found no evidence that sunscreen, commonly used to reduce the risk of skin cancer, actually increase the risk. Researchers from the University of Iowa based their findings 英语翻译It is generally believed that there is a good supply of fresh water.But to our disappointment,the fact is just the opposite.As we can see,the world population is growing rapidly day by day.So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a bi His brother_____ in the army for two years.A.joinedB.took partC.servedD.served for 十 晏子使楚 假如你是楚国的使者,请找出晏子话中的破绽,进行巧妙的反击苏教版第十课【晏子使楚】 QATAR NATIONAL MUSEUM AND AQUARIUM怎么样 晏子使楚 晏子是如何反驳楚国君臣的诬陷的? 英语单词词根这种书有必要买吗? 求一本根据词根编写的英语单词书,好像作者姓刘 野生葛根粉用温水冲后,再加热为什么会变浓稠?(就像鼻涕一样)里面有淀粉吗?