
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 12:57:52
The museum is far .It will take you half------ hour to get there by bus.A.a B.an C./ D.the麻烦高手快些 英语翻译一心不可二用 谚语 英语翻译 英语翻译 请将下列英语句子转为宾语从句1、She said to us," I'll come here tomorrow."2、The teacher said to me,"The earth is round."3、The mother said,"Tom,get up please."4、The teacher siad to the students,"Don't waste your time."5、She asked 句型转换:1、We clean our classroom twice a day .(改为被动语态)Our classroom ____ ____ twice a day .2、The teacher gave me a book .(改为被动语态)I ___ ____ a book by the teacher .3、Is the song sung by Sun Nan (改为主动语 This kind of machine ___ well.(sell) Our classroom___ every day.(clean) 改为被动语态 蛋挞皮的做法!注意 是皮哦!蛋挞最关键的就是皮如何起酥. 现在在超市里起酥油不可能买到的. 仅用黄油能做好吗?如果是叠被子的方法做的话 希望能通俗一点介绍下. 别复制粘贴网上的... 蛋挞皮怎么做 请问为什么我做出来的蛋挞皮很硬? 长辈生日祝福语 对母亲的祝福语 求孔子读书的故事,急用!详细一点的,做手抄报用 谁有关于诚信的作文2000字左右 他昨天看电视太多,他现在背非常疼 汉译英人工翻译! Rather than_____,he ran all the way home.A.walk B.walked C.walking D.to walk这道题我觉得A和C都可以啊,为什么不行呢?这个选A。 Rather than ____the bus ,he ran all the way home.A take B to take C taken D took变态题目啊.选啥子啊选A的谁给解释解释为什么俩谓语 rather than_____,he ran all the way home.A.walk B.walked 时态到底应该用哪个? Rather that ___the bus ,he ran all the way homeA.take B,to take C.taken D.taking 80岁老人家生日祝词?急需,80岁老人生日祝辞. 外婆80岁生日祝福语 赏析一篇2000字左右的散文散文好在哪(表现手法 主旨 文字内容) 行文思路 赏析2000字美文4000字 请你用现代文改编《画蛇添足》这个故事. 因为美国是一个发达国家,有先进的教育理念和方法,完备的教育体制用英语怎么说 如何在家做蛋挞? 收2篇关于印刷的英文文章,每篇最好2000字左右,最好也有相应的中文文章最好是关于热敏CTP、或是显影液的文章, 打印一份文章要用几号字比较规范?就是拿去参加新概念比赛的作文,要求打印.但是我忘了他说的标准...标题几号字?标题下面除了名字还要写什么?名字用几号字?正文咧?急救! 生日微博祝福语如何写 微博生日祝福语大全 一个不确定的英语选择.Why do you look _____?what are you ____-aboutA.worried;worried B worried worry第二个空是 worry 还是worried 为什么 一道不确定的英语选择,How soon will he arrive?______.A.I think until ten o'clockB.I don't think he will arrive at tenC.Not until eleven perhaps D.Very fast这应该怎么回答,我不知道是C还是D, 一道英语选择,不确定是不是多选there'aren't enough chairs here for us all please bring____one.A.another B.extra应该前面有一个an才对吧? The best way to get there is by bus .的同义句 It is best to go there by bus的同义句