
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/08 05:47:24
将括号中的字母组合成适合的单词Let's have a _______(npicci)this Satur-day.My father is a _______.(ocrdto)_________(sdgo)are my favourite animals.Sam is going to the_________(rkap). ——rd——r( )横线填字母,括号填翻译好的中文 把下列单词补充完整,并写出中文意思.( )rd( )r ( )ou( )h 有ou r字母的单词,要10各 F_O_有什么单词,横线上填字母. 在横线上填上适当的单词,并且每个单词都含有字母e1.Go on until you reach the _ .2.I have to sit down and _ every five minuties.3.When the lights are red,the traffic must stop.It's _ .4.Take good _ of you new book.5.They are standin 填上括号里带e的单词,一个横线一个字母.What colour are the( _ _ _e_)?They're white.Is there a(_ _ _e_)nearby?Where's your mother's(_ _ _ _ _e)?There are a (_ _ _ _ _e_) teathers in your school.He goes to school on his (_ _ _ _ _ _e) ev 根据首字母提示写单词,使句子完整.Lucky is a l( ) cat.She usually sleeps most of the day.How many g( ) are there in the zoo?It's d( ) for the children to swim alone in the river.She is good dancer.She dances d( ).They are hungry.They n( 根据句意写出正确的单词完成句子.(横线上补单词)连着横线的字母是单词的开头15.Don't worry.There is n_______ wrong with your computer.16.No one can p_______ flowers in the park.17.My parents are b_______ teachers.18 在横线上填适当的单词,使句子完整.1.I asked him for help ,but he ____ me.2.Both of them are nice .I don't know which one to _____.3.You will miss the bus if you don't_____.4.At first the girl lay on the bed and couldn't speak,but at last 根据下列句子所给出的字母及词义,在横线上填出单词的正确形式It was cold outside, I was so comfortable and——(暖和) in bed that I didn't want to get up. 重新排列字母组成单词写在下面横线上lehls_______ nosetmr______ etros_______ xater_______cpoit______ rteriw______ rynoan______ 把下列字母重新排列,组成单词.h o t s r ( ) l a l t ( ) l a l m s ( ) o g l n ( ) 在横线上填上诗句,在括号里填上适当的词语分别用上“银装素裹、举不胜举、流连忘返、浩如烟海、尽收眼底、由衷、回味无穷”等即将告别母校,老师,同学,我们会想起送别诗( ) ( )的 画横线的句子的括号填么词? 下列诗中画横线的词语各指代什么,请写在后面的括号里.但愿人长久,千里共婵娟.的婵娟()寄意寒心荃不差察,我以我血荐轩辕.中的轩辕() 根据情景写词语、诗句、歇后语、谚语、格言.1.在横线上填上合适的成语.孩子们( ),( )的儿童节终于到了,校园里处处( ) 处处( ),同学们个个显得( ),( ). 先根据句子意思在括号里写出表示"看"的词语,再在横线上试着多写几个这样的词语.1.爷爷站在那幅油画前,久久地(——)着.2.看书时间长了,眼睛累了,你可向远处(——),这样有助于缓解眼 四、请将括号内的单词更换一个字母,组成另一个新单词,填在横线上,使句子完整.1、(Where)Who's that man over ____?2、(thank)I_____it;s mine.3、(that)--____is this ---It's a pencil. 请将括号内的单词更换一个字母.组成另一个新单词,填在横线上,使句子完整.(thank)I it's mine. 将括号内的单词更换一个字母,组成一个新词,填在横线上,使句意完整(cake)Plesse ____ the umbrella whith you.(thank)I _____ you are right. 将括号内的单词,更换一个字母,组成新词填在横线上使句意完整.(thank)I_____it's mine.(that)_____is this? 变换括号内单词的第一个字母,组成新词,然后填空,使句子通顺. 英语字母有什么体和什么体两种,英语句中的单词之间需留有什么的间距 可以帮我用以 z h a n g x i a o 这几个字母开头英文单词,写一个英文句子? 根据首字母填写词语,完成句子 英语 将括号内的单词更换一个字母变成新词,填在横线上,使句意完整 将括号内的单词更换一个字母,组成新词,填在横线上,使句意完整. _____(six)down,please._____(rice)to meet you 将括号内的单词更换一个字母,组成新词,填在横线上,使句意完整.Santa is _______(run) 将下面各组字母组成单词,并写出汉语意思 q t n o u s e i e h a c t r e i d w o n w w r l o e fq t n o u s e i e h a c t r ei d w o n w w r l o e f 将下列字母重新组合成一个单词,并写出其中文意思 1.s a u d r t y a 2.d b g u i i l n 3.s e u i m t n 把所给的字母组成单词:h o s u t ,并写出中文意思.h o s u t 是所给单词哈!