
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:40:50
英语在线改错The pants are two hundreds and fifty-five yuan. 英语短语hundreds and thousands的中文意思是成千上万吗 香菇炖鸡如何去做? have fun形容前面的名词后跟动词不定式吗? have fun doing sth这种用法中的名词,除了fun,trouble,problem之类外,还有哪些固定用法? have fun =什么 OASIS的‘HALF THE WORD AWAY’歌词的中文翻译 英语翻译I sold my soul for the second timeCos the man,he don't pay meI begged my landlord for some more timeHe said “Son,the bills waiting” My best friend called me the other nightHe said “Man,are you crazy?”My girlfriend told me to get a I don't have enough time for me _to take_(take)care of the dog.这里为什么用to take呀? have a talent for have a talent of 的区别 have a gift for ,have a talent for 有什么区别? F0R,EXTERNAL,USE,0NLr翻译成中文是什么? there aren`t any buses at this time but you can take a t__ home 汉译英:我想他会按时来的(in time) 汉译英.我姐姐上班总是迟到.(all the time) ____________________________ 您好!我叫罗小姐是某客户验货员杨先生的新助理,因前任助理有事辞职,现由本人接管她的一切工作,在以后的工作中有做得不到位的地方请领导见谅!并多多关照!望知悉! The old man lives alone.He feels ____.A.alone B.lonely C.lone D.alonely 应该选B,但是为什么? Be talented后面介词是什么At还是 in?Have talent呢?什么介词 our country has five ___________years of history A thousand B thousands C thousand of Dthousands of our country has five ___________(thousand)years of history Our country has a ___history of 4,000yearsA.recording B.record C.recorded D.records 要解释.. Our country has a long history.这个句子变成一般疑问句的时候需要把our变成your吗? Our country has a long history 怎样改为一般疑问句? 广东人民出版社 请大家帮我找找那是开心学英语 有Gogo.Tony和Jenny The women asked the policeman where 为什么要用 1.“how can we get to the post-office?”he asked句型转换 The woman asked the policeman where the post office is为什么前面过去时后面不是 1100 1004 11000 10135 这些用英语怎么说 要用到 thousands 求一篇写自然给我们的启示的作文 《牛郎织女》文言文的译文“天河之东有织女,天帝之女也,年年机 劳役,织成云锦天衣.故毛皆脱去.” 英语翻译共有2段,后一句是‘涉秋七日,鹊首无故皆髡,相传是日河鼓与织女会于汉东,役乌鹊为梁以渡,故毛皆脱去’一定要把这句话翻译出来! 英语翻译天河之东有织女,天帝之女也,年年机杼劳役,织成云锦天衣.天帝怜其独处,许嫁河西牵牛郎,嫁后遂废织纫.天帝怒,责令归河东,许一年一度相会.涉秋七日,鹊首无故皆髡,相传是日河鼓舆