
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 13:43:43
英语怎么考高分啊,我认真听了,也背单词了,还是才考30多,伤心死了 邀英语达人分析一下下面句子的结构,能否告知句子得谓语是甚麼?An engagement in which an auditor is engaged to carry out those procedures of an audit nature to which the auditor and entiy and any appropriate third parties have 英语达人请帮忙分析一下句子.If it's that bad in Holland,what must it be like in those faraway and uncivilized places where the Germans are sending them?it's that bad in Holland 这半句话尤为别扭. (英语达人来)下句话中第二个逗号后的结构剖析一下!Not until the eleventh century,when a young lady from Constantinople brought her fork to italy,did the custom reach Europe Please leave the door _______ and the windows _______ before leaving the classroom.A.close...open B.closed...opened C.close...opened D.closed...open 为什么答案选D? 英文单词中以“con”开头的,什么时候读kang、什么时候读ken? consult 和 consume中的con 是念ken 还是kang 爱尔兰口音有什么特点、发音规律? 求It is+过去分词+that从句 造句急 怎么样可以讲英语口语练好?现在好久不讲英语,有些单词看着很熟悉,但是想不起来汉语意思,现在想讲英语感觉很困难,我想单词和发音以及语法都练习好 请把这句英语句子的结构剖析下Emphasize accomplishments that nobody required of you but that you took on out of sheer enthusiasm.[Emphasize accomplishments ][that nobody required of you][ but that you took on ][out of sheer 爱尔兰人一般讲英语还是爱尔兰语 爱尔兰语和英语差别大不大? 爱尔兰语 苏格兰语 英语之间有何差别 爱尔兰语与英语区别在哪? 1.I will possibly agree with you (同义改写)its___that I ___agree with you.2.it's cold and dry in winter in beijing(对cold and dry划线提问)___is it ___ in winter in beijing?感觉填什么都不对how is it be in winter in beijing 怎么 四年级下册第六单元试卷 not better than和 no better than的区别 better than的用法better than怎么用啊?I'd_____stay at home____go to the inema.I'd ____watch TV ____go to the supermarket.这怎么添啊?说明方法! Scotland 的音标(请写出来)单词的音标! 英国苏格兰有口音吗? Aanna dances _____ ,if not better than,Lily选项有A.so well B.so well as C.as well as D.as well选什么?为什么? 英特英语西单这边的校区有3岁小孩的班么?开课了么? 我想知道西单英特英语的孩子都有多大啊?我家孩子三岁会不会小了点啊? how is it going同义句()is()? How is it going?的同义句How ( ) it? 新唐书 英特:才智超群 英语翻译 you'd better.=you had better吗?为什么? you had better not to spend...you had better not to spend too much time...you had better not spend too much time 以上两个句子哪个正确had better not do sth还是had better not to do sth 大学(大二)今年(2011年)什么时候放寒假是2011年,2月2号除夕的, 谁有英语小短文7篇~不要长的~其中2篇要是幽默的~