
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 22:41:25
the socks were too small,and it was only by__ them that he managed to get them onA:sperading B:extending C:lengthening D:stretching The paintings were so expensive that few of us could buy them同义句The paintings were not______ _______ for us to buy these people were found guilty of crimes that require them to be publicly listed ..中文意思是什么?these people were found guilty of crimes that require them to be publicly listed as sex offenders. what does that means?哪个词错了?快点啊! 比萨位于意大利哪里的是哪个城市的或附近城市,在地图上没看见这个城市,是马萨里的吗 英语翻译求作文.. 意大利披萨怎么做 正宗的意大利比萨饼需要哪些原料? 正方体的体积与它的底面积成( )比例 谁能帮我翻译一下 Presenting Public Transport Information on the Internet 正方体的体积一定,它的底面积和高不成比例.对吗 so they were shocked to find the next day that they had all believed an JOKE.SO提前为何句子不倒装? 正方体的底面积一定,它的体积和高成比例吗?成什么比例?是底面积一定哦 正方体的体积一定,底面积和高成什么比例?如题请注意说明原因我的想法是 底面积和高不能根据意义“一个量变化另一个量也随之变化”因为变化了 就不符合正方形的意义 边长×边长=底面 正方体体积一定底面积和高成什么比例 i've got ___ information for all the computers now.A.a B.an C.the D./我觉得应该选C 求指教 I've got ___information for all the computer now.a.a b.an c.the d.\ i've got ___ information about the matchan 或 a piece of The information()any more.I've got enough. 极限证明 证明极限证明这个··· 极限的证明, 求极限证明 证明极限, 整体思想,方程思想及例题含答案数形结合思想,整体思想,转换思想及10个例题含答案初一水平 数形结合,整齐思想,分类讨论,方程思想,转化思想的例题 关于数形结合,整齐思想,分类讨论,方程思想的例题 每个5道 ⊙ o ⊙ 我把我素有的钱压上啦 打屁股怎样才会疼 写我想竞选小组长的作文500字一定要500字以上,少一个字也不行.最好给思路语文五年级的习作三,急500字左右吧!或者给思路吧,没有500字都行,求思路!只要不少于450,求求各位大姐姐打哥哥帮帮 求初中数学各种例题详解过程 最近比较流行、网络的歌曲较为好听?(好的话追加100分)我要09年的新歌,都给我写出来哦,谢谢. 《理解时尚 追求真美》演讲稿关于《理解时尚 追求真美》的演讲稿! 正方体的全面积为6,求正方体的体积