
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/21 15:09:13
英语看不懂谁帮我翻译下how? I is no is real have two down sons? we school long say me very no simple! 英语翻译INGAME HOTKEYS PLAYER:Hotkey Option F1 Toggle Infinite Health F2 Toggle Super Speed NUMPAD1 Save Position NUMPAD2 Restore Position F3 Toggle Instant Cooldown F4 Toggle Infinite Ammo NUMPAD3 Add 10.000 Credits NUMPAD4 Add 10.000 Medi-Gels 世界上的珍稀动物有哪些? 地球上有哪些珍稀动物 濒危动物有那些 英语翻译 【我登上山顶时曾一度感到兴奋】,英文翻译 英语翻译 这个玩具是你的 翻译英文 根据句意,选择适当的词填空4.My mother( ) gets up at six ,seven days a week.5.I get up early in the morning .So I ( ) get to school late.6.What do your parents do in the evening They ( ) watch TV 英语(根据句意,选用上面的词填空)供选的词:help, next week, not be, why not, let's, watch, come1.Meimei often______me with my English.2.______be late next time, Jimmy.3.What are you going to do______.4.The students_____the foot (英语)根据句意,从括号中选择词或词组,并用其适当形式填空【study for do one's homework do some reading have a patty take...away(from) go to the movies clean one's room go shopping play tennis stay 根据句意选择词语填写下面的括号.(英语)Why do we ( ) them mooncakes?A.say B.speak 困难用英语怎么说 第一届世界园艺博览会在哪里开?还有世园会是几年一次?西安世园会完了之后是哪个国家和城市举办? 西安世园会主题是什么 介绍西安世园会的英语作文 关于西安世园会的作文200字急! 英语翻译要用过去完成时!1.我妈妈刚刚买了一些水果.2.他已经去澳大利亚5年了.3.你们已经完成了所有的作业了吗?4.李先生从未乘飞机旅行过.5.他们已经去海南度假了.6.我曾去过桂林2次. 英语翻译不要翻译器翻译的,要自己翻Cover the contents of the room as if you were painting.Remove the applicators,paint and cup.Place the projector in the center of the room about 2' off the floor with North pointing towards the foot of 英语翻译1、she wanted to become a teacher when she was yong 和2、she had wanted to become a teacher when she was yong 因为时态上的区别,翻译的时候需要怎么处理啊?我这么翻译成么:1、在她年轻的时候她(曾想 玩具用英语表示 英语——根据句意用适当的词填空1.Vera studies harder than anyone ________in her class.2."Hiw much does the pen_________?""Ten yuan."3.Good food is often ________to me by my grandpa.4.A new broom sweeps_______. 根据句意,用所给词的适当形式填空英语1.They want to be ___ when they leave col-lege.(businessman)2.I sit in the ___ row.(two)3.You must keep your clothes ___ every day.(clean)4.Is your brother a football ___?(play)5.My shoes are under 根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空,His parents have no time __(look)after himhis __(describe)of the stange man is different form yours we all know china is a__(develop)countrychina has developed __(rapid)these yearshe has succeeded in __(w 【英语】根据句意,用恰当的词填空.Would you please p____ me the phone?我想为妈妈买件毛衣。两种翻译:她来自英国国。两种翻译: 最后他们到达了山顶.(英语翻译) 走到那要用半小时.的英文翻译是? 翻译成英文!不要百度的.(1)这学期我们为大家安排了一些又好玩的活动 (2)快来买我们正在廉价销售的服装 (3)正在热销的绿短裤只卖5美元 谎言 英语翻译 英语问题 (用所给词的适当形式填空、句型转换、单项选择、根据汉语提示完成句子) 好的给分一、用所给词的适当形式填空.1.What ( ) you ( ) 【所给词:do】 this weekend ?2.Remember to get ( ) 【所 从一个年份到另一个年份用英语怎么说?例如:从2003年到2009年?