
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 14:51:26
英语翻译But it is a rigorous course of study,and overall in the military everywhere,they are going to find challenges with all the deployments. 英语翻译Such topics in the past have been the repeal of don’t tell,what would be theimplications for the military. 英语翻译A werid trick to transform your lips without surquery you should study hard to i_____ your English.空里应该填什么? ( )your classmates ,you should study harder.那这道题应该填compared with,还是comparig with.为什么? You should change your study h______,andYou should change your study h______,and you will study better 首字母填空 As a students,you should put your h______ into your study. You should study harder to i___your English. a1=-三分之一,从第二个数数起,每个数都等于1与前面那个数的差的倒数 a1= a2= a3= 急!a1+a2+a3+...+a36 这是几啊 1,-三分之一,五分之一,-七分之一一,负三分之一,五分之一,负七分之一,九分之一,负十一分之一,十三分之一,第199个数是( ). 4阶幻方对角线的和是多少?怎么算?RT 4阶幻方的对角线之和是多少?谢拉34 4阶幻方每行每列每条对角线的和都相等,1到4^2数字之和易求得,4阶幻方有4行,则每行的和等于1到4^2数列之和的4分之1即34 求些作文或书上的好词好句还有感受好词好句最少要5个 要同一篇作文或同一本书上的 As () ,we should pay more attention to our study instead of smart clothes.A、a studentB、studentsC、teachers说出为什么? ( )4、We should work hard on our ________.A.study B.studing C.studies D.to study We'd better pay more attention to our study.翻译 a1+3a2+3^2a3+……+3^(n-1)an=n/3(1);求数列an的通项公式(2);设bn=n/an,求bn的前n项和Sn说明:3a2表示a2乘以3,3^2a3表示3的二次方乘以a3. 解一道关于数列的数学题,谢谢已知S10=30,S20=70,则S30=?我明天要一摸了,突然忘了怎么做了,麻烦讲讲呗,谢谢~~~要过程,谢谢 解下面这个数学题 (数列),急.在数列{An}中A1=3,A10=21,通项公式是项数的一次函数.(1)求数列{An}的通项公式,并求A2007;(2)若bn=a2n,求数列{bn}的通项公式;(3)若Cn=a2^n-1,求满足Cn 帮我把“一切都是为了你”这句话翻译成英语 "我所做的一切都是为了你".英文怎么翻译?我英语不怎么好哦,帮个忙 Thie ie my day英语作文【不少于50个单词】提示词;usually,sometimes,get up,eat breakfast,go to school,eat lunch,go home,play sports,eat dinner,go to bed.应该是This is my day,对不起啊 帮我把“一切都是为了你”这句话翻译成英文 Every minute should be made full use of to study our lessons.请问这句话怎么翻译,纯字面翻译 关于爱护动物的作文!(要题目和内容) 江西小学五年级数学上册同步练习第2页第8小题怎么解答 We should ( )after school.A did our homework B do our homework C do my homework. we should da our home homework ourselveswe should da our home homework ---- ourselvesA by B witn C for D to We should do our homework by( )[o开头] We should -------(do) our homework now. 保护环境从我做起.文章怎么写 保护环境,从我做起写一篇文章