
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 17:46:35
是那种喜欢吗?可那不成乱伦了吗? 中科院历年考博翻译汇编可以给我一份么?chenyilin12101244@163.com 呜呜 拜托拜托~~~ 谈谈你对“天时地利人和”的看法! 鲁迅在受到寿先生的批评后,这件事对他一生有什么影响 物华天宝,人杰地灵常常被用来夸赞某个地方是块风水宝地,请问物华天宝,人杰地灵的出处是王勃的: 吾得兄事者 It's ____ _____ my daughter _____ work out this maths problem.(我女儿能算出这道数学题,真聪明) 如何理解人类社会的物质要素和精神要素 我想知道我像哪个名人么?谁知道啊… 我想知道名人故事 solitary serenade是什么意思?看过僵尸借贷的人应该知道第6话,这是这里面的插曲,因为很好听,所以我想知道solitary serenade是什么意思.就这样.. solitary glory 英文Solitary toxic和solo toxic是什么意思...是不是错误的组合 古代什么兵克什么兵?如骑兵克步兵!还有这几种兵之外的吗? 立、日、口、十、儿 上下结构能组合11个字:音、昱、章、竟、竞、古、克、早、兄、辛、只组了10个差一个,求另外一个是什么字?不能重复使用部首,只能上下结构 The boy stand rooted 求翻译 How can you live on your own?翻译 一块直角三角形麦田,三条边的长度分别是120米、160米、200米,一共产小麦6720千克.这块麦田平均每平方米产小麦多少千克? P=I平方R,是由什么公式推出来的?在线等 一块三角形麦田三条边长度分别是120米160米200米共生产小麦6720千克这块麦田平均每平方米小麦多少千克 演讲可以讲名人的吗 这是哪个名人 这是谁,哪个名人 合力对物体做负功,物体动能一定增加嘛? oil rigs have to be repaired frequently and divers,who often have to work in darkness a hundred feet under water,have been frightened out of their wits by giant fish bumping into them as they work.这里的bumping into为什么要用ing形式呢?而 合力做正功,物体的动能增大,什么的能转化为动能?那么,物体在光滑平面上受到水平力F的牵引加速运动,什么能转化为动能? they frightened 和 they was frightened都可以用?句子是 They frightened. 和 They was frightened.没语病吧?第一句后面不用跟名词? 用.on zhe left ,the way to ,walk along on zhe lift ,be happy that .各造一个句子. It was his deafness that affected his being employed ,and it was several days before he finally ...It was his deafness that affected his being employed ,and it was several days before he finally ____ his duties .A.took up B.put up C.picked up D.used 谁可以用on the way造2个句子谢谢了 We finally bought several books by Shakespeare ,________ is one.A.which of them B.which of whose C.of which this D.and of them 9.856精确到个位数是多少