
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 11:33:23
一种报纸,如果一月一订,没有优惠,每月10元,如果一年已定,可优惠10%,问订阅一年需要多少钱 Qian可以当英文名字么?Qian,我的名字中的倩字. 一种报纸,如果一个月一订,没有优惠,需10元.如果一年一订,可优惠10%.订阅一年需()元. 我的中文名字叫Wei wei ,想请高手帮我取个好听的英文名~谢谢啦希望具体点 和姓氏一起读起来较为 顺口 字母的开头最好在H的以前 有哪些英文名有“wei”这个音?女的,好听 She didn't leave anything in my life the shadow of left memories Being diffefrent freom people in any other country He never said that he was good at mathematics,________ 反意疑问句,应该添什么. 一种报纸,如果一月一定,没有优惠,每份需10元:如果一年一定,可打九折.订阅一份这种报纸,一年一定比一月一定节省多少元? 一种报纸,如果一个月一订,没有优惠,每份需10元;如果一年一订,可打九折. He said he will never forget that.改病句 Hesaid that he had never spent such a worrying day=He said that it was( )( )( )day he had ever spen Emergency situations ( ) I thought that he dislike playing football ,____?A didn’t he B did he C didn't I D didn’t I( ) It ____ten years he _____here.A is ;left B was; left C has been; lives D has been; had left 一种报纸 如果一个月一订,每份每月需要15元.如果订全年,可以优惠10分之1.今年小李订了1份这种报纸,全年一共需要付多少元. Strunk your love into my heart. 英语翻译英语翻译~```谁会? 英语作文 题目:a meaningful day时间是昨天,时态是过去进行时,在线等,谢谢了!字数大概一百个词左右,最好有中文 mrs.lee likes to travel from one country to 后面填another 还是the other 某品牌报纸如果一月一订,没有优惠,每份需16.5元.如果连续订一年,每份可优惠百分之十,这样订阅一份这种报纸一年共需要发费多少元? 英语 social situations是什么意思 一种报纸一月30元,连订一年,减去10分之1的价钱,这10分之1是什么的十分之一? If you travel to another country you don’t know,can be very discouraging.A.to lose \x05B.lost \x05C.losing \x05D.getting lost为什么选D 求英语句子分析situations in which certain 'motivated' students do significantly betterAll teachers can think of situations in which certain 'motivated' students do significantly better than their peers. pray for another chance is always better than miss your water till the well runs dry You had better tell your mom ( ) your feelings. write a recipe for your favorite sandwich or another favorite food.read your recipe to a partner.这篇作文怎末写啊?有谁会, 一种报纸,如果只定一个月,需要12元;如果连续订一年,可以优惠15%.问:今年爷爷连续定了一年这种报纸,共需多少钱? 应用题:一种报纸,每月一份,每份需要42元.如果连续订一年,可以优惠百分之十.今年张家订了一份这种报订期一年.全年付多少钱 信用期 市场运做 用英语怎么说? 品质铸就辉煌、诚信是企业的保证质量是企业的生命,请翻译成准确英文,高手赐教?先谢谢了 拥有了品质诚信价值,就拥有了进入市场的资格.这句话用英语怎么翻译? “质量获得市场认可”英文该怎么写?如题.