
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/09 01:57:39
夸张句子,如这橘子酸得我牙都快掉了 夸张句有哪些有很多馁功把元 I was at the office on Monday 翻译 请根据句意及首字母提示补全所缺单词.1.The two bixs are d______ .One is big and the other is small.2.Tom is a good boy and he is n______ late for school.3.I often get some p______ om my birthday.4.We a______ go to school from Monday to I have too booes,one is big____is small A the,other B the,othersthe other后应跟名词 the others后应加名词但是这个为什么没加s 都说,中国100个官员99.9个贪!大官打贪小官小贪!真是官腐啊! 无恶不作的意思是?你们快 春风又绿江南岸题目是 春风又绿江南岸题目是 春风又绿江南岸作者快一些 春风又绿江南岸 八下英语完型 31~40 11.There are some big _______________(different) between cats and tigers.12.She became ______There are some big_______________(different) between cats and tigers.She became _______________ inanimals.She shows great ____________in wild animals (intere 张火丁 我失骄阳君失柳是什么意思. 我失骄阳君失柳用了什么修辞手法只要告诉我修辞手法就好 托福听力训练问题我感觉我现在最大的问题就是听听力的时候反应太慢,有时候一个词要想好久,下一个词就来了,然后就混乱了,所以听TPO不是很懂,是不是精听训练做少了啊,我每天1篇,大概要 少年强,则国强的作文怎么写?我要写一篇少年强,则国强的作文要怎么写? 梁启超的“少年强则国强…………”出自于篇文章? 少年强则国强适合写什么样的作文2011年新课标卷高考作文题目写《少年强则国强 》跑没跑题?有米有专家? and,I,in the river,think,swimming,is,interesting,very,too 少年强则国强下一段是什么 根据答句写问句I usually play the piano on the weeknd 三国演义1、2回,3、4回内容概括+品读人物+好句点评好句要求有点评分析和仿写. 阅读并判断对错.Wu Yifan:What do you do on the weekend?Chen Jie:I usually play the piano and readEnglish.Sometimes I go hiking with my dad.I like going hiking,but not this weekend.Wu Yifan:Why?Chen Jie:Because my dad is going to Kuming this wee 就《三国演义》中一位人物写一段品赏文字(200字) 品三国人物,荆州举办‘三国文化节’ 要选择一位三国人物作为‘形象大使’你认为谁最合适 I __ much of the book but I don't think it interestingA.read B.have been read C.am reading D.have read 吃的英文怎么写? 2道英语语法1Do whatever you think is right whatever difficulties you may have.这句话我看不懂 能帮我翻译一下 并且解释一下它的结构么 谢谢2Please tell me______A.what has happenedB.what has been happened to himC.when has h 英语语法2道Something as simple as_____some cold water may clear your mind and relive pressure.A.to drinkB.drinkingC.to be drinkingD.drunk请问这道题为什么选D不选BIdeally_____for Broadway theatre and Fifth Avenur,the New Park hotel is a 英语新目标七至八年级上所有单词及汉语,要准确地!万急! 吃,英语 八年级英语好词好句