
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:07:03
Lily didn't do well.she did r____badly 1.She said she didn't take my ruler ,but I am sure she ( ).A.didB.isC.doesD.was2.He walked slowly ( ) his bad leg.A.as forB.at the end of C.because ofD.in front of3.The students should ( ) the teacher carefully.A.listenB.listen to C.be listenedD.be l she said she didn't take the dictionary,but I am sure she____.A.is B.was C.does D.did为什么选D?精辟回答令加分. 四个英语选择题目...题目(1):I felt______sorry.A.real B.really C.very much D.many题目(2):I want a pair of jeans____no pockets.A.have B.has C.with D.in题目(3):Whom are you_____?A.looking B.looking for C.looking up D.finding题目(4):Why no 是新概念英语第三册上面第一单元的.选项我只写了我觉得比较混淆的.1.People said______the puma.A.to have seen B.they had seen2._____,it immediately ran away.A.On being observedB.Having been observed3.Pumas never attack a huma 四个英语选择题! 唯家装饰 英语翻译是? 四个英语选择题目,3.After he was attacked,he managed to __________ to the phone and call for help.A.pound B.stabber C.turn D.stagge11.He hasn't come yet.What do you consider_________to him?A.happens B.has happened C.had happened D.will happen1 唯家装饰 英语翻译是?急 求高手帮忙翻译“装修”的英语缩写?①格式:AA:只能用2个字母组成!②意思:能从英语翻译过来意思是正确的!高手请赐教!各位百度朋友们~此缩写用来做小汽车的车牌号呀~>_ 求一篇赞美许嵩的文章,200到300字就行了, 英语翻译well there's a little boy waiting at the counter of a corner shophe's been waiting down there,waiting half the daythey never ever see him from the tophe gets pushed around,knocked to the groundhe gets to his feet and he sayswhat about me, 英语翻译FennarioAs we marched down to Fennario,As we marched down to Fennario,Our captain fell in love with a lady like a dove.They call her by name pretty Peggy-o.What will your mother think pretty Peggy-o?What will your mother think pretty Pegg 翻译:这首歌非常好听.我希望能参加他的音乐会 求这四个英语选择题答案 Love is the greatest refreshment in life.翻译中文? 在线中文翻译英文 你的歌曲很好听 at that time she was too scared to think about ____the police 英语翻译:为了早点到校,她总是搭262公共汽车.To get to school earlier,she always ()the No.262 bu 交电话费英语的问题每月十号以后才能交电话费上个月的电话费已经交过了您不会写汉字,可以写英文字母请您下个月十号以后再来交电话费 话费的英文怎么读 I love you only 还有You are the only one love for呢? 话费 英语你必须预存120元的话费才能买这个手机,如果不预存120元话费的话,就不能买这个手机.这120元话费是你的,你打电话需要电话费是吧?这个预存120元话费买手机是我们移动公司搞的活动. 电话费的英文是什么? 英语翻译如题,中文翻译. 英语翻译求翻译这首歌的歌词! 英语里面只有DEAR的称呼么?写的信全是DEARDEAR的,碰到敌人下战书也要DEAR?英语难道没有其他词了,真贫乏,还是我们伟大的汉语博大精深! 刚上大学问下雅思学的语法跟人教版的英语语法一样吗? 中央电视台播放的“ 恰同学少年时”,这句话到底怎么读,是恰同学,少年时,还是恰同,学少年. 歌词,歌词,歌词我已经相信有些人我永远不必等 ,所以我明白在灯火栏珊处 为什么会哭-----陈奕迅《K歌之王》 为什么会哭啊? 在国外称呼异性dear是什么含义?一定是恋人关系吗?不是dear某某哦,就是直接称呼dear.题目中的"国外"指的是英国哦,不是美国。即英国人在平常使用dear的含义不是写信,就是口语!也不是dear 求歌词:歌唱二小放牛郎歌词