
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:54:06
(a-b+c).(a-b-c)利用平方差公式计算. 平方差公式计算(a-b+c)(a+b-c)必须先适当变形,下列变形中正确的是A.[(a+c)-b][(a-c)+b] B.[(a-b)+c][(a+b)-c] C.[(b+c)-a][(b-c)+a] D.[a-(b-c)][a+(b-c)] (a-b)*(b-a)和(a-b-c)*(-a+b+c)那个能用平方差公式计算. 用平方差公式计算,应将(a+b-c)(a-b+c)变形为〔a 〕〔a用平方差公式计算,应将(a+b-c)(a-b+c)变形为〔a 〕〔a 〕 state-of-the-art 翻译? it is a synthesis of the existing literature and current state of the art.求翻译! 分解因式:4(x+2y)平方-9(x-y)平方 State-of-the-art.这句怎么翻译合适?是一篇文章的标题.State-of-the-art permeability determination from well logs to predict drainage capillary water saturation in classic rocks. 分解因式;4(x+2y)的平方-9(x-y)的平方 4(-y)的平方-(2y+x)(-x+2y)计算. tan(a-7π/2) 如何化简 tan(π/2-a)/tan(π/2+a)的值怎么化简? 化简 tan(a+π/2)=tan(a-π/2)=tan(π/2-a)=化简 就像sin(a+π)=-sina 化简(1+tan^2α)cos^2α= 简单数学题.急!速度 追加分已知多项式2x的2次方+my-12与多项式nx的2次饭-3y+6的和中不含x,y,求m+n的值 已知A=2x的2次方+3xy- 2x-1,B=-x的二次方+xy-1,且3A+6B的值与x无关,求y的值 3x+11=86 请编写一道有实际意义的应用题, -9+12÷(-6)-(-4)×(-4)÷(-8) premier collection怎么翻译成中文好? look after the collection翻译 英语翻译 英语翻译the state of the art for training in many other high-skill professions is virtual reality.一楼一看就是在线翻译来翻。太不准了,别拿在线翻译来翻。 英语翻译我需要的是全文翻译 1.In some countries,___ are called “public schools” are not owned by the state.A.that B.which C.as D.what2.____is known that the play ends up withHamlet's murder.为什么填As而不是It3.Although we had been out of touch for ten years,I recogni In some countries,____are called "public schools" are not owned by the state.A that B which C as D what求解释 属于怎样的语法结构 几道数学题请速度解答追加分少不了1.李叔叔打论文,3小时录入了3分之1.照这样的速度,李叔叔工作8小时,可以录入这篇论文的几分之几?还剩几分之几没完成?2.一共有240kg水果糖,每袋装4分之1. In some countries ,which are called"public schools"are not owned by the state. 1.甲乙两人在一条东西方向的路上行走,甲在乙的西边300米.如果甲向东走,乙向西走,2分钟后两人相遇.如果两人都向东走0.5小时后甲追上乙,求甲乙的速度.2.一家商店因换季准备将某种服装打折 in some countries,--------are called“public school are not owned by the state.A thain some countries,--------are called“public school are not owned by the state.A that B which Cas D what 1/2x(x+4y)+2y平方因式分解 若x-2y=2 x+2y=6 则x的平方-4y的平方+2x-4y=? (x-2y)的平方-2x+4y+1