
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 18:51:08
What animal do you like 怎么回答 What animal do you like?的回答.不怎么懂英语 What animal do you like?我很需要 某市出租车计价规则如下:行程不超过3km,起步价8元;超过部分每千米路程收费1.2元.以为旅客从旅店坐出租车到火车站,付了17.60元,那么他住的旅店到火车站的路程是多少千米?) 一道英语选择题:What () animals do you like?What ( ) animals do you like?A.another B.others C.other D.else请解释下, (1/2)某市的出租车计价规则如下:行程不超过3千米,收起步价8元,超过部分每千米路程收费1.2元.某天顾...(1/2)某市的出租车计价规则如下:行程不超过3千米,收起步价8元,超过部分每千米路程收 某市计程车计价规则如下:行程不超过3千米,起步价8远;超过部分每千米路程收费1.2元,一位旅客从宾馆坐出租车到火车站,付了17.6元,那么他住的宾馆到火车站的路程是多少千米 某市的出租车计价规则如下行程不超过3km,收起步价8元,超过部分每千米收费1.2元,某天李老师和三位同学去探望一名学生坐出租车付了17.6元他们共乘坐了多少路程不好意思我没分了 某市出租车计价规则如下:行程不超过3km,收起步价8元,超过部分每千米收费1.2元,某天张老师和三位同学去看望一学生,共乘了11km,请你算一下张老师应付的车费?急···· It was not who is right but what is right,we all think,that matters.中that matters是什么结构?为什么没有were? “理性地看待问题”用英语怎么说 it is what you do rather than what you say that matters看到大家大部分说这个句子是一个强调句,我想问这个句子还原出来到底是什么样的?我猜想可能是 what you do matters rather than what you say ,matter 在这里做 But it's not just what goes up that matters;what comes down is unique.Ben Nevis is the highest of all British mountains,and reaching its 1343-metre top is a challenge.But it’s not just what goes up that matters; what comes down is unique.2012年重 It's not what,where or how that matters but who这句话对吗?是啥意思? 保持用英语怎么说 翻译It is what you do rather than what you say that matters. 学会忘记曾经的幸福用英语怎么说 学会忘记 英语翻译 学会忘记英语翻译 A:You moved .a new apartment last week,didnot you?B:yes.A:What is your apartment .B:It is better .the old one.The streets near the new apartment .quieter.It is not .from my work place.I do not .to spend a lot of time on the way.A:Which apartment do y 酒店已订,用英语怎么说?我同事让我帮他订酒店,我想回复他酒店已订好,用英语应该怎么说? 英文翻译What do you do at the 简单订酒店英文对话May i hae a telephone number How many nights would you staywould you like a single room or double What did you do on the last Halloween? What did you do on the Open Day last Saturday? 出租车English 出租车的英文 ‘想待多久就待多久’英语怎么说啊?‘If you go on a trip,would you like to travel all by yourself or join a tour group?Why?’回答问题,口语试题.我的回答:I might be able to go on a trip all by myself.The reasons for this a 待订英语怎么说 \"单独待在家里\"用英语怎么说 一个对英语基础很差的成年人想学英语要先从哪开始呢 请把“从今天开你要自己照顾自己了”翻译成英文