
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/10 15:03:42
英语翻译急 勤能补拙是良训 一分辛苦一分才 急~~~~~~四年级 结合自己亲身体验写一段话 我国现代著名数学家华罗庚说:“勤能补拙是良训,一分耕耘一分才.”谈谈你对这句话的理解 she often stay up late改病句 同义句转换 He is often late for shool He often ___to shool late l'm going to the park by bus.(对划线部分by bus提问) 翻译:The changes which take place in an object. sleep late He used to ____( stay ) up late ,but now he is used to _____( go ) to sleep early .He is ______( worry )about his mother’s illness .She spends half an hour _____( read ) every day .It took him several days _____( travel ) here Go to sleep,stay up late is bad for your bady中文意思Go to sleep,stay up late is bad for your bady速求此句中文意思 武汉大学的化学基地班怎么样?学化学的就业方向都有什么啊?(求详细)钱途怎么样? 武汉大学化学类和化学基地班请问化学类和化基有什么不同,各自侧重与什么?从化学类转到化基对成绩要求高吗?转了有什么利弊?我想问的是有关就业方向或者是考研保研方面的利弊, Please be here on time.同义句 Please be here on time.改为同义句 Please ___ ____here late. Everyone should be here on time.大家都应该按时到.这里的be是做什么的? 星座的由来? 各种星座代表什么意义?12个星座都要..-_-. those,uncle,and,are,aunt,your连词成句 You will be asked to write an essay in which you take a position on the prompt.prompt在这里是指作文前面的提示和要求 take a position是什么意思? 如何解释“用起子开啤酒瓶盖,省力费距离”这句话 —哪里是读书的最佳地方?—图书馆.—Which place is_____—哪里是读书的最佳地方?—图书馆.—Which place is______ ______ ______ ______read books?—The library 某啤酒厂决定生产啤酒的同时,再生产一些开瓶盖的起子每箱酒内装一个,假设厂内工人效率相等,每人每天平均生产20箱啤酒或360个起子,760名工人怎么分配 Which of the two t-shirt will you take I will tWhich of the two t-shirt will you take I will take ______.One is for my brother and the other is for myself .A.either B.both C.all应该选什么? 你怎样看待网络语言对汉字规范化的冲击? 武大的化学,化学基地班,吉大的化学哪个比较强?话说武大的化学和化学基地班究竟有啥区别?学的东西一样吗 再见我的女人英文怎么说再见用英文怎么说啊`优美有以为英语高手可以指点下小弟``? 美女再见 英文怎么说 对于BLOG的定义怎么理解 ——Is Peter here yet?——Not yet,but he ____ be here soon.He is usually on time A.wouldB.could C.should D.must He doesn't have to be here on time 谁有 点绛唇 素香丁香 的赏析和写作背景不要以前的,赏析讲出来要在5分钟左右的能再长一些吗?这些也就是1分钟. 用( )里面的词的适当形式填空在[ ]里面 Mom asks me[ ](not play) games too much.