
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 06:03:02
几个英语首字母填空题~1.Michael Jackson's death s______ all of us last year.2.Tom wasn't happy because he f____ his Engish test again. 几道英语首字母填空题,1、English is one of m___ subjects at school.2、The captaino o___ the soldiers to march on.3、A horse p___ the cart along the road.4、Mary p___ were kept in the jail.5、Did he s___ or fail in the exam?6、The a___ 我是一个16岁就读于阳光中学的女孩.用定语从句怎么翻译 1道英语填空题 he - - - his books every day他每天埋头苦读那三个空填什么 英语填空题,每空一词We don't have any books about science now.(改为同义句)We don't have any books about science( )( )( ).What are you going to do during the coming vacation?(改为同义句)What's ( )( )for the coming vac 一道英语的填空题,一空一词Ann has a great sports collection.She collecting tennis rackets,volleyballs,baseballs and basketballs.But she dosen’t have ping-pong balls and ping-pong bats.She says it’s _____ for her to play ping-pong well. 一道英语的填空题,一空一词Xiao ming and Xiao fang are students of NO.1 Middle School.Last Friday,on their way home,suddenly,they found a bag.There is a set of keys and a dictionary.They thought they should give it_____the lost and found.La 三道英语选择题,要理由1.Let's hope that this is the first step _____ peace.A.in B.on C.for D.towards2.I'll be here_____six o'clock.A.in B.on C.with D.on3.Let's keep_____touch_____one another after graduation.A.in;to B.in;to C.on;to D.in;with 问三道英语选择题,要理由1.She was _____her early twenties when she went abroad.A.at B.on C.of D.in2.We shall go there _____we are free.A.however B.wherever C.whatever D.whenever3.I was just about to go shopping_____a friend of mine came to 英语翻译1.他被人认为是一个名声很坏的人2.据说他在美国赚了很多钱.(it's said that.)3.The wages of workers and office employees i______ twenty times.4.Has your teacher m_____ that she is going to ask for absence next week?5 几道英语单词填空题( )tr( )ng ( )ol( )d( )( ) d( )ct( )on( )( )括号里填什么字母组成单词?写错了 是 d( )ct( )on( )( )y 还有一个H( )( )d( )( )he 求做英语用所给的单词填空题 minutes really slim before him1.What a teddy bear!I _______ like it.2.There are sixty ___________ in an hour.3.This is now 80 yuan,_________ it was ninty yuan.4.Mrs.Green is thin,she is very __________.5.Can yo 英语,一道单词填空题decide experience important license silly sleep teach achieve opportunity succeedI'm sure you will have a chance of __ your dreamYou drove too fast.Please show me your __My brother is sorry to have lost a(n) __ to study in 英语翻译Sunshine Town ___________40 minutes from the centre of Beijing by underground. 乘地铁从北京市中心到阳光镇只要40分钟 英文it___only 40 minutes ____ ____ ____Sunshine Town ____ the centre of Bijing ____ ____. 你能告诉我去阳光镇火车站的路吗?英文翻译 1.故事书有278页,小明每天看28页,已近看了5天,剩下的3天看完,平均每天看多少页?2.果园里共有石榴树和荔枝780.已知石榴树的棵树是荔枝树的3倍.石榴石和荔枝树各有多少棵?3.8X(X-3)=56(解方 英语翻译 请问,这是去阳光镇的路吗 这些年里阳光镇发生了巨大的变化.用英文翻译 1地震灾区的汶川山区由于高山水深,许多地方利用索道来运送物资,若倾斜索道与水平面的夹角为37度,如图所示,当载有物体的车厢以加速度a沿索道方向向上运动时,物体对车厢的压力为物重的1 三道英语选择题.要理由(3)C 1.The fans are disappointed to see that the guest team will ___ the host one.A.win B.match C.beat D.strikeB 2 He used to ___ long hair when he was in high school.A.keep B.wear C.grow D.put onB 3 Taiwan is ___of Chi 一个英语单词的填空题science is f____ difficult for me . 问一道英语单词填空题The pianist has t______ skill but not much feeling 2008春的大雪造成很多房屋垮塌,小明想知道屋顶的雪到底有多重,他找来器材进行了测量:(1) ①用弹簧测力计测出空杯子重力为0.2N;②将杯子里装满水,用弹簧测力计测出总重,如图为 2.2 N,③ 一台电风扇工作1.5h消耗电能5.4×10的5次方J,则这台电风扇的功率是? 静水中两只船静止在一条直线上,质量都是200Kg,甲船上质量为50Kg的人跳到乙船上,又马上跳回甲船,问甲,乙的速度之比是多少? 1.——I don'know which to buy.Can you give me some adivce?——You ___ try on this T-shirt.It looks nice.A.had not better B.had better not C.had better D.had better to2.--Haven't I told you that I don't like sugar in coffee?--Yes.I ______ less tha ,最好说明理由 (1)A big fire broke out last night ,and soon it was __people's control.A.against B.beyong C.for D without(2)________ difficult the situation was,we would not give up halfway.A.whatever B.Although C.However D.As(3)beacuse of th 求助三道英语选择题答案(1)-Why did'nt you ring me up?-I would have. But I ___ your telephone number.B. had lost C. forgot (2) When he came back to life, Joneson found himself lying on the floor and everything he ___.A. had stolen D.had been 英语翻译同学们在教师节那天给老师做了一张贺卡,以表达对老师过去一年过去一年工作的谢意.(symbolize)连续几个晴天之后,气温骤然升高了.(soar) 英语翻译1.上海市近年内交通工具发生了较大变化.(in the means of)2.人们相信每年种树对改善环境有好处.(believe)3.过了许多年他才知道谁在他困难的时候帮助了他.(before)4.他从未想到题目越容易 英语翻译1.你帮我做饭,真是太好了.(kind,prepare)2.和伦敦相比,巴黎要小很多.(by comparison)3.我把复印件和课本比较了一下,不过差别不是很大.(compare,difference)4.你不必警告他有危险,他已经