
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 17:54:49
The football match was over.Then,i turned off the TV.(合并为一句) I____ ____ ____the TV_____the fo he turned_the radio because his father was asleeep a on b down c up d over I will start fresh,be someone new出处一个看起来蛮时尚的欧美女说的。 I WILL START FRESH,BE SOMEONE I will start fresh,be someone new.start作为动词后面可以直接接形容词吗? 贵州第二大城市是六盘水还是遵义? there's a d____ on last year's cards. I WILL START FRESH,BE SOMEONE 英语:去年的卡片在打折销售there's__ __ __last year's cards there's a discount_____last year's book?A in B about C at D on I want last year's cards(改为同义句)There are (some cards)over there.对括号内提问 My bike hit a rock and ___________.turned out turned down turned off turned over 2014年1月18日到2013年1月24日国内外的大事件,用简介的语言回答2014年1月18日到2014年1月24日国内外的大事件,用简介的语言回答刚才打错日期啦 55.the bike hit a rock and____A.laid out B.turned over C.current D.frequent56.is he the___Dean of the Department of Economics?A.tapical B.average C.current D.frequent My bike was broken 同义句,除了My bike broke down (前面有五个空)My bike FLASH中over,hit,按钮里面的over ,hit ,down “弹起”又是什么? 贵州省遵义市遵义县山盆镇是不是很穷,风景怎么样,发展好不好 A NEW LIFE还是A NEW START“一个新的开始" 我不知道用哪个好一些 我感觉前者看着比较好 但是后者的START意思比较明确 前者LIFE 好像是说 重生 似的!或者说 new beginning? Looking to start a new chapter of my life's journey next year.这句英语有错吗?我是想表达 "展望在明年开始我的人生旅程的一个新的篇章。" 是不是这样才对:I'm looking forward to starting a new chapter of my life's jou 翻译成中文就是新的开始新的msn新的生活.不过,New Msn,New Start,New Life这句话在英语上有什么问题吗? in my opinion还可以用什么来表达 in my opinion 中opinion要加s吗 In my opinion这句意思我知道,可这个In在这里是怎么解释的?请您请您指教, 贵州遵义绥阳在那啊! 遵义绥阳的朋友帮帮忙!晚上11点有没有从遵义回绥阳的车,我一个人,是否安全? on my opinion是什么意思[although on my opinion,the professor didn't come up with his own.虽然这位教授反对我的观点,但他并没提出自己的观点]习题中看到的句子答案这么说的但感觉没见过这种用法 求英语作文:My Opinion on Cheating in Examination.闲人勿扰要求,主要原因,1考试偏多,偏难2不用功,懒惰3取悦父母,老师.个人看法:1作弊不对,违反校规,2要诚实,努力学习3……其它看法.100字开头已有:It i My Opinion on Cheating in Examinations"关于考生作弊.主要原因:考试偏多、难 不用功、懒惰 取悦父母老师.个人看法:作弊不对,违反校规 要城实,努力学习…其他看法.词数100左右 In my opinion,Mr.White______good to his students in his class at present.He is very strict in their study.A.does does B.does did C.does do D.did do in my opinion 的同义句 英语造句I think To my understanding~In my opinion~I feel that~ (可能是我太在意你的想法了 )用英语怎么说?