
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 18:49:35
so do I与so am I 的区别 60字左右的小作文:My Good Friend 英语句子语法理解The total cultivated area is 13000 mu,of which 10000 mu are irrigated fields.翻译意思是:耕地总面积为一万三千亩,其中一万亩为灌溉田.我的问题是关于of which,如何去理解这样的语法结构? he often have dinner with me often,have,dinner,me下划线.哪个错了?是he often have dinner with me. I am so heartache 我现在手中有16条蛋白质序列,我想知道它们的两两同源性结果,该怎么办,我想知道它们两两同源性的具体数值是多少 初二上学期半期语法:to 的用法,什么时候应该用to,to之后能跟什么词?还有什么语法都请说一说.关于初二上学期的半期的语法或考试容易遇到的知识点都请讲一下,半期测试的重点也可以! the+adj……the+adj……意为什么?在句子中该如何使用?(列例句) 初二语法知识上学期 前三单元 具体点 别发网址 抄袭什么的随便 初二必会语法马上就要期中考试了.我英语不好,基础不好,尤其是语法基础很差,做完形很吃力.做单选也是,我想总结下语法点,要简洁一点的,如:like+doing need别给我满篇全是字,我要看语法.总结 Is __ your mother?-I will make a delicious cake for someone in my family.-Is __ your mother?A she B he C it 英语9年级为了灿烂的明天答案 谁有英语为了灿烂的明天答案啊? 什么叫遗传同源性? 什么是同源性肿瘤 大分子的同源性是什么 If I am not your husband.What am 如题 形容珍贵的东西即将丢失的形容词有哪些? 哪些形容词没有比较级 城堡旧址的消失用哪个形容词 ,淹没还是湮没 you mother is my sister.i am your__________go may ------(come) after april. 改错:1.My birthday is October fifteen.2.May come after April.改错:1.My birthday is October fifteen.2.May come after April. June come after April 有错吗打错了comes would you rater go to see a film today?I'd( )( ).But I have to( )my homework.这两个空咋写? I have a letter ——,so I can't go to see a film with you A. to write B.to be written C.written Dwriting That year.that day.We are acquainted forThat year.that day.We talk about feeling That year,that day,Ww tallK about feeling 英语翻译这时年轻的侦探继续展开了他的调查,他来到了富翁家里,他调查的第一个人是富翁家里的保镖,因为此时他觉得保镖应该了解三位夫人平时爱去的地方,也比较容易接触,可当他和保镖 完形填空:I will never forget the year l was about twelveyears old.My mother told us that we…… That boy is about twelve-year-old.错在哪?为什么错 .I like ____train because I can watch the scenes more easily along the road.A.slow B.fast C.tall