
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/06 17:35:28
高中英语语法填空,pupils,Donnie__(include),adored her 关于斤斤计较的事例 在空间四边形ABCD中,E、F分别是对角线AC、BD的中点.若BC=AD=2EF,则EF与AD所成角为? 求1/(1+cosx)^2的原函数要有具体过程 求(cosx)^4的原函数 初三都有什么课 Is______here?Yes,_____is away.A.anybody,nobody B.everybody,nobody C.everybody,somebodyD.anybody,somebody 三年级语文下册第八课课题是什么? 三年级第241页是什么课? (cosx)∧2原函数 cosx^2的原函数 x(cosx)^2的原函数, 请问1/(x-cosx)的原函数怎么求啊?先谢谢大家啊! (cosx)/x的原函数 x^2*cosx,如何求原函数? 生物膜能承受最高水温度? 英语翻译A Japanese businessman,for example,thought the manager of a hotel was like the captain of a ship so he asked me to marry him and the woman he loved.There was one time,however,we did help out. 英语翻译The Japanese businessman,arms extending downwards from his shoulders,bowed from his waist toward the American businessman to whom he was just introducedarms extending downwards from his shoulders indeed的用法,放在动词前面还是后面?放在形容词前面还是后面?放在句子的前面、中间还是后面? 女性怎样暖宫 but 的用法以及真实句 是什么 有个例句选哪个啊I didin't call to make my airline reservation but I ----- A.should have B.must have C.may have D.shall have I'm a fool indeed 这句话有没有错顺便询问下INDEED的用法 and but 可以单独用在一个句子中吗?我正在准备英语专四 在听写部分有时会出现and but单独出现在一个句子中 但是在正式语法中这样应该是不提倡的吧 but能否单独成句 为什么我觉得写作文很难呢 写作文是不是很难啊最好都是有用的话 写作文,为什么对于有些人很难? you have an angel for a father在这里for a father 是个什么结构,怎么分析这个for? My father told me about a Japanese gorl in Chyna改为一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答最后一个单词是China My father _______ (decide) to go sightseeing in Japan 求成语的意思 要简明扼要 还要准确求学而不厌,苦心孤诣,闻过则喜,见贤思齐,有教无类,不偏不倚,诲人不倦,乐此不疲,托物言志,喻之以理,逝者如斯,川流不息的意思,O(∩_∩)O谢谢了啊! 家记忆怎么样