
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 00:26:38
汉语起源的时候每个字的发音怎么形成的;?/ 汉语拼音发音的来源发音一点也不像英语,倒有点像德语和法语.难道汉语拼音的读音来自于拉丁语? Synthia的中文意思,读音,来历~ 德国人为什么要屠杀犹太人啊?请好人说白一点,我看不懂官方的语言,谢 不要求全解决,但一定要准确的分析,1.Edison__a way to solve the problem.A.found out B.sought for C.invented D.discoveredB,为什么A不对2.Much of the power of the trade unions has been lost.__,their political influence should be very gr 1.It is known that water is not _____ ndless resource ,nor _____ that can be made once more.A.the;\ B.an;one C.an;that D.\;one2.I'm not sure whether I will have anything else to do tomorrow._____,I will try every possible means to come to the party.A Where can i buy a loaf or bread英语回答 非洲草原上生长哪些动物和植物?越具体越好!只要个列表,特性我可以自己去查. 为什么二战时期德国人这么仇恨犹太人?为什么二战时期德国人这么仇恨犹太人 雅思口语话题,2012雅思口语话题谁有? 我想要近一年的雅思口语话题及答案,或者谁知道哪本口语书比较好哪些论坛 这几道题请帮我分析一下,着重分析,1.The students__in the exercise books may go now.A.handed B.having handed C.to be handing D.who have handed为什么不是B2.I have no idea__the book is__to your English study.A.whether,of much value B.i 2012雅思口语预测,易格雅思有了解的吗,朋友都说那边的外教很不错,一对一辅导,尤其是雅思口语提高很大! 雅思口语话题,2012雅思口语话题谁有? 英语翻译她的名字汉语叫 次旦卓嘎我想要她的英文译名,我还想知道藏族的姓名是怎么译注成英语的,怎么和拼音不一样,大家误解我的意思了,我是指藏语拼音和汉语拼音不一样的,比如 玛吉阿 如果二战中纳粹德国获得了胜利,我们现在的生活会是怎么样?日本人会不会像德国屠杀犹太人一样屠杀中国人 i never seem to finish off this loaf of bread.中文翻译 雅思口语话题有哪些好的? juan中的u是读u还是读v Beauty Juan如何发音 juan的an是发音“安”还是“烟” 帮我解答几道高三英语语法题30.He was not here.Since he had already had his papers corrected,he _____behind.A.needn’t have stayed B.mustn’t have stayedC.didn’t need to stay D.shouldn’t stay 我错选了B31.The strike _______ so muc 最好是用语法帮我解析一下.————that she was often praised ni public.A so good a girl she was B such a diligent girl was she.C she was such good girl D so diligent was she a girl 一道高三英语语法题.The passenger’s complaints to many airline companies are forced on late arrivals as many filghts_____be delayed for hours.A.must B.will C.can D.shall表推测,我知道的.但是为什么B不行, 英语音标口诀 急啊! 英语音标发音口诀 最好将字母.字母组合与其对应起来 还要是口诀 英文歌怎么那么难学!尤其是语速比较快的地方!英文歌怎么那么难学!尤其是语速比较快的地方,连音,省略音!知道歌词也对不上,怎么听都不是那么回事!我觉得我口语还凑活了!可就是跟不上!在 1.The master made us a sign to leave the sad boy alone and began the lesson.I ______ to say something,but I didn`t know what.(C)could like B.should like C.should have liked D.must have liked2.It was a nice house,but____too small for a family to live. 1.We've not even gone over the first module,___finished the sixth one.A.not to mention B.not to speak of C.much less D.much more2.We won't forget the financial crisis and the troubles ___ has caused to the people all over the world.A.which B.this C.w 1.What the chairman said at the meeting got us A to think B thinking2.写出几个生动的英语单词 像flood 涌 storm横冲直撞 1.____ we cannot remove stress from our lives,we need to find ways to deal with it.答案选的是Since,“既然”的意思,但是选项里也有 As,As也有“既然”的意思啊,怎么回事?2.Only a few mistakes ___ in this exam.答案选的 高三英语2题Jack could have avoided that terrible car accident,bu he __ careful enoughA is not B was not C hasn't been D hadn't been __,the students remain optimistic and try to achieve their goals.A as they are faced with fierce pressureB fierce