
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/27 13:55:25
老美俚语 Duh shit,smellyfin. if the government invests in agriculture in our province,it will be money____.A.well spent B.wellif the government invests in agriculture in our province,it will be money____.A.well spent B.well spending C.to spend well D.spelling well 只要第六题的答案噢!选项有:A because B or C and D then 只要第六题的答案噢!选项有:A because B or C and D then 学霸们, 53的六进数? 两数之和为6,和为8,则这数为, 修补一批图书,已修补了30本,是未修补本数的的25%.这批图书一共有多少本? After konw after feel是什么意思啊?如题 I____ _____(充满活力的)again after the vacation. become 后能加adj吗 O(∩_∩)O谢谢 single article in a list article in proofs是什么意思 Present in which article是什么意思是关于REACH(EU SVHC)环保方面的问题. 什么是肥尾现象 铁盒罐头过期会出现“胖听”现象(内部产生大量气体,底和盖向外膨胀),一般分为两类:(1)化学性“胖听”:一般是铁皮与罐内酸性物质反应产生气体.(2)生物性“胖听”:一般是罐 世博会World Exhibition or Exposition中的两个E单词exhibition是展览的意思,exposition是博览会的意思,都是展览的意思,那为什么用or联接,两个单词都写呢? to such an extent that在句子中充当的成分新概念三59课里有句 it litters up her desk to such an extent that every time she opens it,loose bits of paper fall out in every direction.里面to such an extent that xxx是宾补吗?考试写 That he failed to coming that evening was due to his ill health 为什么要用coming不是 fail to do吗 Kate is good___maths. You and i have never separated from separated Never to be separated的汉语意思 without doubt consider it one of the treasures of their collection咋样分析without doubt do sth对吗 保持原句的意思:1.Lucy is good at Chinese.Lucy__ ____ ___Chinese.2.Mr Smith is from England.Mr Smith___ ___England.3.What nationality are you?What___ you___?4.It's time for bed.It's time___ ___ ____ ____.5.It's time for lunch.It's time___ ___ _ 镰刀形细胞贫血症的直接原因是什么的结构发生了改变? Mary dosen't look ( )his father ,but he speaks( )his father填介词 前赤壁赋的中心思想, 赤壁赋中心思想是什么? Millie doesn't believe Mike's father o__ such a big factury He did very good this afternoon.这句话都错是什么 关于鲁滨逊漂流的名言 赤壁赋赏析,要全面 赤壁赋读书笔记,赏析