
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 03:53:57
一道题求老师解题啊,明天要交的毕业之际,小刚打算送同学一本《钢铁是怎样炼成的》,他在扉页上写下赠言:奥斯特洛夫斯基笔下的保尔勇敢坚强,虽然历经战场上的搏杀,生活中的苦难,伤病 初中数学题 急!明天要交的若ab大于0,则a的绝对值除以a 加上 b的绝对值除以a 的值是多少?求完整过程 谁能帮下忙 明天要交已知:如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,点D为AB的中点,BE⊥CD,垂足为点F,BE交AC于点E,CE=1cm,AE=3cm.①求证:△ECB∽△BCA;②求斜边AB的长.呜呜呜~好感动 早上大清早起来看的~原本以 先阅读再计算:取整符号[a]表示不超过实数a的最大整数,例如;【3.14】=3;【0.618】=0;如果在一列数X1,X2,X3,.Xn中,已知X1=2,且当k>=2时,满足Xk=Xk-1 +4{[k-1\4]-[k-2\4]},求X 2013 的值等于多少? 明天就要交了,快啊,谁能帮我解答看不清楚再问, 如图,二次函数图像过点D(0,7/9√3),且顶点C横坐标为4,该图象在X轴上截得的线段AB的长为6.(1)求二次函数的解析式.(2)在该抛物线的对称轴上找一点P,使得PA+PD最小,求出点P的坐标.(3)在 英语句子,I have lost my dictionary.Please lend my yours.第二句话中为什么用 lend my 而不用lend me?我的语感告诉我好像应该用land me 哎.. 这句英文怎么说? 英语翻译A:你在圣诞节过后就要转学了吗?B:是的,我想好好珍惜最好的这些时光(修改下对话B)原句应该是:我想好好珍惜最后的这些时光 求翻译成英文,非口语彻底褪去感性和理想化 英语翻译注:这句话是要放在微博上的,所以,请别用过于官方书面的语言来翻译,我要的是口语!口语!也就是美国人他们会怎么表达这句话.(这句话不需要翻译) 国庆7天放假太坑爹了,今天周 英语翻译希望尽量口语化的,翻译下面内容: 英语翻译这个学校将成为我生命中最美好的回忆求把句子说的更美更诗意一点 求英语答案啊最好能告诉我为什么那么选额? 英语求答案啊最好能告诉我为什么那么选额 求英语答案啊最好能告诉我为什么额 最好告诉我为什么那么选额 告诉我为什么选这个 只要你说出为什么101.___________ pop music drives me out of my mind.A.The most B.Most C.Mostly D.Most of102.—How did you pay the workers?—As a rule,they were paid _________.A.by a hour B.by hours C.by an hour D. 求助:两道英语题,帮我选一下正确答案,顺便告诉我为什么好吗?谢谢啦!1.We must do everything we can______waste water from running into rivers.A.keep B.keeping C.to keep 2.How will you spend May Day holiday?We have had a fam 5道英语选这题,( ) Some of us like the film at City cinema ______"Finding Nemo"Acalls Bcalled Ccalling Dto call( )My parents always ask me _____video games at home.Aplay Bto play Cdon't play Dnot to play Kitty and her sister ___come here ___11:3 告诉我为什么选这个1.Jupiter is the biggest planet of the solar system,with a diameter approximately eleven times __________the Earth.A of B that C than D that of Mr Smith had his left foot hurt and seldom( ) out to walk his dog recently1\he went2\he did go3\has he gone4\he has gone 英语翻译帮助他_____ visit them_______选择:There ____a pair of earphones and some books on the sofa a moment agoA is B are C was D wereWhat are you doing?I'm ______my earphonesA looking B find C looking for D findingTom usually ____ his mot 英语翻译选择Our team was _____ by their in the football game yesterday.A.defeated B.won C.gained D.earnedThe heavy rain made ______ for us to go swimming this afternoon.A.it was impossible B.impossible C.it impossible D.that impossible翻译他 英语翻译1.________ the had weather,our journey was very uncomfortable.A.during B.For C.Thanks to D.Because这题为什么会选C啊.C不是幸亏的意思吗.为什么不可以选B呢.2.He is ________ for questioning by the police,because he is s 英语翻译Deep sea creatures can't live-----tj top part of the sea.Afrom Bin Cfor Dthan 英语翻译He kept silent over the matter because he had no intention to risk ______ in it.A ,to involve B,being involved C ,to be involved D,involving 英语翻译 英语翻译They tried every possible means to ()the old man into signing the paper.A.cause B.frighten C.let D.make 看看这道英语题选什么,并解释翻译 英语翻译你打算参加什么运动项目?Which sport ______ you _______ _______ take part in? 五年级上册英语部分寒假作业答案我是深圳的,作业是苏教版