
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 22:53:31
跪求这篇作文的英文翻译去年暑假 我去了乡下的姑姑家 我看到了许多花和许多鸟 过去我喜欢玩电脑 但是现在我喜欢养花和养鸟````````````快啊 垓下歌的译文大哥大姐们,我等着急用! The train collision in east China's Zhejiang Province has killed 35 people and left 192 others injured as of Sunday night,said a spokesman with the Ministry of Railways.这里面的a spokesman with the Ministry of Railways.里with怎么用的?请详 谁有《垓下歌》的译文!谢了!不是那首项羽的诗,而是歌古文! 读书有益还是读书为必有益 We ____ ___ ___ to wait for the New Year to come.我们过去经常不睡觉等着新年的到来.We ____ ___ ___ ____ to wait for the New Year to come.少打了一个空,对不起 It's ______ that we trust each other to do the right things.是interested还是interesting? We can often be wrong about each other,so it is an amazing thing that we understand each other as well as we do! It is an amazing thing that we understand each other as well as we do.请高手分析下这个句子成分? 宾语就是宾格对吗? l can't wait.的完全形式 电话用语Is that Mary?怎么回答(两种回答都有) He is a ( )and he is good at taking photos.(enter report final invite )选词,填适当形式 Kitty is writing an ( )to her parents.(enter ,final ,invite)选词,填适当形式 (6/6) means.For now I do know it means so many things. meet them at seven(翻译中文) Ma Zhuang has a little nose.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) ___Ma Zhuang___a little nose?Yes,he__He has small eyes.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)___he___small eyes?No,he___. 王冕僧寺夜读--曷不听其所为--的曷 想学意大利语,各位有没有啥好的建议?原因肯定是有的,不是一时心血来潮. 上过新东方意大利语的给点意见,效果好吗. u n t 学西班牙还是学意大利语好?给点建议啊!别复制了~我明年要去美国读书,美国西班牙语比较多,我意大利有很多朋友和亲戚,我父母有和意大利那边做一些合作的东西.以后我就生活在米粒坚了= 犹恐相逢是梦中,出自谁的词 跪求新概念英语第二册第27课C、D题答案答得好的会加分!只要27课的答案最好有B、C、D题的答案那位同学我的答案被撕了有的话我就不会来这里问了= = 这句"有花堪折直须折,末待无花空折枝"是什么意思? 孩子背不下单词怎么办 我的孩子刚刚上剑桥预备级,我发现单词特别的,请问单词都要背下来吗? 老是背不下来单词,怎么办? 英语翻译The leaves begin to fallGolden in the sunI see the children run on the signal hillWhen winters on my mindI'll leave it all behindThe happiness I find on the signal hillIf she wasn't there at all to hear me when I callI'd never think of st growth是什么意思,什么词 仿句:诗歌是:仿句:寓言是一座奇特的桥梁,通过它,又可以从单纯走向丰富以诗歌为陈述对象:诗歌是( ) 诗歌仿句我喜欢婉约中透出英气的李清照,虽是“人比黄花瘦”,也高歌“不肯过江东的项羽”: