
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/05 11:46:27
准噶尔盆地属什么气候 准噶尔盆地的面积是多少? 准噶尔盆地什么度最高 “泥菩萨过河”句歇后语的下一句是什么五分钟内要答复!我赶时间! 诸葛亮之为相国也,抚百姓,示仪轨,约官职,从权制,开诚心,布公道;尽忠益时者虽雠必赏,犯法怠慢者虽作者称诸葛亮是“识治之良才”,请结合课文《出师表》加以说明. “诸葛亮为丞相,甚平直” 翻译 “亮之为政开诚心布公道” 断句 我有古代的两个铜铃铛,不知是青铜的还是黄铜的,并且请高速我其价值.铜铃宽高约3、4厘米. 硫磺,石蜡,双氧水,木材哪个是单质 求翻译For the first time in my life I could speak to someone who'd been through something similar all the first times of mine have been given to you all the first .帮我翻译一下 准葛尔盆地的面积? 关于准葛尔盆地的问题它的农耕制度和特征是什么啊, 、有“火山地貌博物馆”之美誉的是? confuse the accounts的中文翻译急… If you try to learn too many things at a time,you may get___A.alarmedl B.scared C.surprised D.confused 求WOW一些基础常识 地名 副本 的缩写名称如题求WOW副本的缩写名称 还有地名缩写 少女时代的jessica和tiffany谁的英语更好?我知道2个人都是从小美国长大的 铁镜重磨, 铁境重磨是什么意思? 阿尔及利亚人名 khaled Khoukhi,翻译中文成什么? 我想知道中国的名山有哪些.分别是什么岩石构成的.是否道教佛教等有意义的山. 磨镜之癖是什么? 电炉炼钢车间产生的有害物有什么特点? The boy's father bought him a large toy train ____.A to play with B to play with itC which to play with D at which to play with请问这道英语单选选哪个呢?请告知为什么选那项,别的为什么不选?最后还请翻译一下这 the boy's father built them a large sand box in which to play如何翻译 His father does not allow him to play with whoever is d____.英语翻译:他擅长编笑话. my father is tao busy to play with me 这句话的中文意思是什么 英语翻译 tiffany和jessica谁的英语好 Tiffany&Jessica唱的英文歌《heaven》的歌词~实在找不到,谁能帮下忙?很喜欢这首歌! you will put on some pounds in that much time这句话怎么翻译 A man can fail many times,but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.翻译成人话