
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/04 23:14:19
【求助】一篇写事作文600,不要长篇大论,文笔不要太精致,别不像初一女生写的,最好可以和寒假沾点边.不要太幼稚啊! brids,singing ,in ,are ,tree the,the 连词成句 赫鲁晓夫改革和匈牙利改革的共同点与不同点 我想问一下,must 和must be 有什么区别啊?什么情况就用must,什么情况下用must be 忍不住……为题的作文 以忍不住 为题的作文 孩子的教育,是放养好还是圈养好? boy 作文,初一的 题目是《又一个新学期》600字左右 急!. boy friend , can't find a good reason中文意思是什么? I Found A Reason 歌词 mr stevenson is great to work for -i really coudn't ask for a better boss翻译和语法结构 It is ____(wonder) to see you gunnery rating 如何翻译 是关于十八世纪海战的 Check the Italian translation for the rating label 谁会翻译这句?I always hate men smoke in front of me,but except for you! 谁会翻译这几句 用了特殊词组的,建议你们注明一下,用的什么词组哦!建议拍马屁一词可以用kiss up to.或者flatter熟悉用familiar If i find her if i just 创造财富怎么译合适 creat wealth 还是produce wealth,或者其它更专业的译法?请详述理由! incorporated cities 怎么翻译 9.I found him ____(cry) there just now.90.I found he ____(cry) there just now you'd better to earty school tomorrow go如何连词成句加急! plan ahead可以翻译成未雨绸缪吗 翻译Plan for many pleasures ahead. plan things Most of them plan things ahead and dont like thier plan to be changed lulu算是英文名吗?我的小名就叫璐璐~马上要去西班牙了~想取个英文名~不知道叫lulu可不可以~还有什么好听有有意义的英文名吗? lulu是哪个英文名简称是lucy还是luella,louise.我去英国能用这个名吗 compare to 与compare with 有区别吗 hypothermia can be mild,moderate or severe.这句应该怎么译?CAN BE起什么做用?这句是不是可以译成"低体温证分为轻度\中度\重度"那CAN BE起什么做用 that is his habit,reading in bed中的reading是动名词吗,reading in bed是habit的同位语吗? fired rockets into ,求翻译!Hamas frequently fired rockets into Israeli territories while Israeli forces retaliated with bombings, encirclement and suppression.另外,这个while是“当”的意思,还是“而”的意思?哈马斯频繁地向