
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:02:55
If you don't learn to laugh at troubles,you won't接上:have anything to laugh at when you grow old Jerry was lying on the bed,as if he was very tired后半句既然是虚拟语气,为什么不是had been而是was呢?从句与过去事实相反应该用过去完成时啊? Hello.Haven't come message don't laugh at me,oh翻译中文是什么意思 Our sandwiches__(make) fresh daily. thousands of products ___ from coal are mow in daily use.A.made B.make Cmaking D.to make急 急 说明理由 并且翻译 then,the weather became windy and clondy什么意思 英语翻译价格策略由于我公司该产品技术先进,收率高,产品成本低,进入市场比较晚,故可以采用渗透式的低价策略抢夺市场. her mother__a skirt__herself(将亲自为她做)) 翻译 我的新裙子比旧裙子漂亮得多 My new skirt is _______ ________ _______ than the old one 关于主语补足语和状语的问题.主语补足语和状语怎么区分.比如这一句:He came back,out of humor.这一句中的"out of humor"应为主语补足语.但说他是状语为什么不行.再比如这一句:He came back,tired.为 we presented a book to our teacher这句话怎么改 either of 与either异同请给例句、、谢谢! 将Our school newspaper ,Campus Star,will be published twice a month next year.改写成主动语态的句子 We can't understand----at poor little matchgirl.A.they laugh B.their laughing C.them to laughD.them why laugh 选哪个,为什么 关于主语和状语的区分说得很清楚中“很清楚”和很清楚地说中的“很清楚”里,哪个是补语,那个是宾语 伴随结构的状语,是修饰主语吧 英语翻译具体的描述如下:Create a game in pure AS3 (no Flex,no .fla) with the following features:* A grid of 8x8 squares* 3 (visually distinct) pieces* A piece is moved by first clicking on the square that it is in and then clicking on the 求一首歌名,开头是do do you do you patient and understand以前听过的 好像叫dangerous 现在找不到了,希望知道的告诉下 小弟拜谢! Enclosed is copy of the Board's decision and order in the above-referenced case write the above months in order. 关于游览十三陵的英语作文 不要这个The Tombs spread over of 40square kilmeters .the stone Arch marks He did't ____his homework,because he was sick.是didn‘t,不好意思,打错了不好意思,只有do。did 和dose 英语翻译Students choose which lectures to attend on the basis of their own special interests and on the advice of their tutors. Mike"s happy because his first book was( )Mike"s happy because his first book was( )That book has been ( ) into fourteenb l;anguages.she went to bed ( )( ) ( )she got home what____Sue______(do)this Saturday?she_______(visit)her grandparents 语文找出句子中的主语,谓语,宾语,定语,状语,补语1.穷人的孩子很快地挑起家庭的重担.2.我最惦记外地读书的表哥.3.我们在中秋节吃月饼.4.星期天,我和妈妈去市场.5.肥沃的田野展现无限的生 you know mad ness lsa lot like gravi so metimes all you need isa little IShe____-a little ____ her mother.answer:looks like 能用is like 或takes after吗 昨天是8日,星期一,到31号是星期几 为何把 like a invisible hand to push them to do all the things best改为like an invisible hand pushing them to do all the things well 填下面那些空格Switzerland is a small country w_ high mountains,thick forests and bule lakes .In winter the sun is b__,but the air is cold,Peopie go to Switzerland for winter holidays. They wear warm clothes and sunglasses,They stay h__.People a while back什么意思