
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/11 22:33:12
英语英语,谁教莪~①.根据句子意思及首字母提示完成单词,.1They are in C_______Five,Grade One.2.I am twelve,Are you twelve,t______?3.They p______speaking English.4.Jim is f_________years old.He is in Grade Nine.5.Tom is from E_____ good quality of sth 和sth of good quality一样吗 t__:real c___:to make something exactly look like something else d____:not as good as one had hoped 我下学期初三 他下学期高一我跟他表白 他说他也有点喜欢我 但他有女朋友 他经常叫我小妹妹 有时候也发一点暧昧短信 但谁都没提交往这种事 我下一步该怎么办呢 在哪里能下到就年级的试卷!是湘教版的试卷? 几个月好像要比其他年级快,具体多久,几个月,还有放几天假啊 很淡定是什么意思 已知向量m=(根号3sinx,cos),向量n=(cosx,cosx),向量p=(2根号3,1).1)向量m // 向量p 求sinx乘cosx 的值 论有恒的作文提纲过明天我就不用了。 以“刻苦有恒”为话题的作文或素材高一的啊 初三英语,在线等,要原因. -Susan stays alone in the classroom初三英语,在线等,要原因.-Susan stays alone in the classroom and looks sad.-_________ to her?A what happensB what has happenedC what is happeningD what was happening 翻译句子:he has sold thousands of copies of his recolds and gives concerts all over the world 堂兄弟(姐妹)和表兄弟(姐妹)是怎么规定的?就是说怎么样的亲戚算是堂兄弟(姐妹),怎么样的亲戚算是表兄弟姐妹? 堂表兄弟姐妹区分我都糊涂了,妈妈说舅舅家的孩子是表兄弟姐妹,姨家的是堂兄地姐妹.可是也有人说妈妈的兄弟姐妹的孩子都是表亲,爸爸兄弟的孩子是堂亲!.你们说呢? Love has 表兄弟堂用英文怎么写 用 we us our ours ourself 造一句话 Maybe Wilber Pan,who has millions of fans.怎么翻译 表兄弟用英语怎么说 英语练习题:)15:I asked them several questions ____ their family members.a:about b:at c:with d:as19:She has been sitting before her computer_____ four hours ,so she felt quite tired .a:as for as b:as possible as c:as long as d:as quickly as20:M 如何分 堂/表兄弟姐妹?堂哥和表哥的不同点在哪? us,we,our,ours这四个单词的区别 有关母亲的诗歌(古诗除外) 英语:第4题. 他是你的表兄弟吗?英文翻译 在一次函数y=2x-3中,若x=0,则y= 多少;当自变量x什么时,函数的值大于0,x=0, 已知函数y=|x²-2x-3|,请画出程序框图,要求输出自变量x的值,输出函数值y adieu adios aloha bye-bye farewell good-bye goodbye pippip so longadieu adios aloha bye-bye farewell good-bye goodbye pippip so long 歌曲开始是so goodbye i think i should talk you...的这首歌是什么名字? Good-bye; Goodbye; Good bye这三种都对吗? good bye中间要不要连,是goodbye 还是good bye? "i think so good" 可以直接这么说吗?还是需要谓语动词it's