
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 07:57:21
英语高手帮我看看这句话对不?Not only did I not do well in study as I used to but also my lots of classmates. its only the fairy tale我说句实话.我懂英语.但是她的发音实在是奇怪.不怎么听得懂谁有歌词啊 转机英文单词怎么说?不是转飞机那个 转飞机的那个转机用英文怎么说? 英语好的帮我看看这句话有没没有问题You're beating my heart.So you hurt me so bad.So I'm dying? Oh,it's ()seven o'clock!I have to go now A only B already C yet D just You have only to go to one oYou have only to go to one of the important ( ) to see this. he is only seven.he can go to school.(合并为一句)He is_____ _____ to go to school.还有一道数学题,这是《开放做法本源图》,图中a为几?11 11 2 1 1 3 3 11 4 a 4 1 1 5 10 10 5 1就是居中排列,不好意思我打错了。 In fact,you don't mind my 英语翻译I come here to leave my footmark on your note board.Can you foretell my coming?It's difficult for the average man to do this.But to you--a celestial,it's easy.Right? be interesed in和be interested at ,解释一下,详细! 科学家,英文怎么说? But,where are you now?Don't think you are the best of my mind.翻译下 sure that is all rightSure,_____________.A.that is all right B.why not为什么 "i don't think you are my girlfriend"什么意思 you got your head up your ass 分一些蚊子进来阅读答案1我从.不料夜半还是被饕餮的蚊子叮得发毛,半梦半醒之间,脸上、身上被人打得噼啪有声,睁眼一看,那只不讲道理的手竟是自己的!读懂了什么.2.母亲为了让我睡得安稳 Don't think you are,kown you are 最近看了一部美剧,上面把you've got you head up your ass翻译成“你个二百五”,这样翻译有什么根据或是典故吗?还是只是意思差不多? 科学家的英文单词 是什么? 《分一些蚊子进来》阅读“分一些蚊子进来……”这是母亲在那个炎热的夏夜说的一句话.每当春去暑来,惹人厌恶的蚊子肆虐为患时,我便会想起这句话.那年夏天很热,蚊虫猖撅.从遥远的外地 阅读:《分一些蚊子进来》 at,in,on怎么用?都用在什么之前还有 I was a school yesterday - He was .变成 He 做主语为什么还是was不是were?Two cats running along the wall.为什么这里是along 不是TWO CATS in on at的区别, 只能用 in at on 回答 hold的词义及用法关于爱华仕箱包的广告词,觉得很好,特地用有道词典翻译下中文:装得下,世界就是你的.有道翻译英语:Hold, the world is you特地又把这句话重放进去,英译中英文:Hold, the world is 索尼充电器charge亮黄灯亮红灯分别是什么意思 sonymp3打开显示hold是什么意思? 男孩们游泳比女孩们慢吗?Do the boys ____ ____ than the girls? 女孩比男孩唱得好?是的._____the girls____ ____ ____the boys?Yes,they____. 蚊子与狮子(阅读题)有只蚊子飞到狮子那里,说:“我不怕你,你也并不比我强多少.你的力量究竟有多大?是用爪子抓,还是用牙齿咬?仅这几招,女人同男人打架时也会用.可我却比你要厉害得 英语翻译+3/3 ORIGINAL CLEAN SHIPPED-ON-BOARDMARINE CONTAINER BILLS OF LADING,ISSUED TO ORDER AND ENDORSED IN BLANKMARKED -FREIGHT COLLECT- AND SHOWING NOTIFY ADDRESS- MILES FASHION GMBHHARCKESHEYDE 91-9322844 NORDERSTEDT,GERMANY