
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 18:40:22
I don't like the watch,I _____ buy a new one.A.have to B.has to C.must D.mustn't请说明理由 怎么写作业姿势好 填空:( )的姿态 1 last year(one hundred)of new books were.括号里错在哪里?如题 我打开XML文档,显示了This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it该文件似乎没有任何风格的信息与之相关这个风格信息是缺少什么呢?是浏览器框架还是什么? I helped Sally ___(buy)a new watch. I helped Sally buy a new Jim helped his mother (buy) a new watch last month.用buy还是to buy ought to 用法是什么? should,ought to的用法,填空用should填空:1.We ___(drink) about eight cups of water a day.2.John ___(take) a rest after hours of hard work.用ought to填空:1.We ___(keep) our home clean and tidy.2.You ___(not/tell)lies to your parents.我 从头开始补英语买什么书看啊 should 和 ought to 的不同点、相同点、和用法. 讲讲ought to的用法 翻译:there are probably no two names associated more with love than Romeo and Juliet 请问看书的正确姿势是什么? 读书写字的正确姿势的好处好处好处!好处啊 看书正确的姿势应该是怎样的 关于牧童、金子、鱼、刀的作文200 正确的读书习字姿势是什么 I helped Sally ______(win)a new hat不是win 而是won 不是 help sb do sth I helped Bob_(买)a new watch. 根据句意和首字母提示完成单词.1 Jenny often does her h( ) after school.2 T( ) comes before Wednesday and after Monday.3 Liu Ling is a great m( ) .She plays the piano very well.4 December is the t( ) month of the year.5 What c( ) do y 牧童意思 《牧童》的意思是? 是宋代诗人杨万里写的诗《牧童》.我问的是题目的意思,不是这首诗的意思顺便说一下《舟过安仁》和《清平乐·村居》题目的意思 莫桑比克海峡和马达加斯加海峡有什么区别? 莫桑比克海峡和马达加斯加是否为于消亡边界? 用上两个表示连续动作的动词造句说说短点 i want to be the right one.这有很多种意思``谁能帮我翻译下`` i wanna to be the one ...啥意思`` it做形式主宾语时可以代表复数吗还有,what能用all等形容词修饰吗如果不能用啥能? 英语状语,宾语,和主语,到底是神马,还有单复数怎么区分.